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11 <br /> the Stoney Creek area and are number of uses on a lot, and lot size <br /> described as follows (see map): among other things) to promote <br /> consistency with recommendations in <br /> • Lower intensity areas lie adjacent the plan. However, a goal of the plan <br /> to most of the resource areas and is not to take away any options <br /> best typify the area's remaining landowners currently have, so n4 <br /> rural character. These areas are zoning changes are recommended. <br /> proposed to have the lowest future <br /> development densities and In making recommendations on <br /> extension of water and sewer implementation, the Planning Group <br /> service is = envisioned. has relied extensively on a set of <br /> Flexible Development Options (a <br /> • Intermediate intensity areas are separate handout which gives <br /> intended to provide a transition additional detail is available) <br /> between lower and higher currently under review by the County <br /> intensity. They are envisioned as that have the following features: <br /> being predominantly residential <br /> with density being determined • Each option involves setting aside <br /> largely by the character of existing at least 33% of the land in <br /> development. Water and sewer preserved open space; <br /> extension is unlikely. • the number of buildable units is <br /> based on what current zoning and <br /> • Higher intensity areas are adjacent health regulations allow; <br /> to areas experiencing urban • the layout of the buildable units <br /> growth pressures and at some follows a set of Rural Design <br /> future date will likely be annexed Guidelines for the creation of <br /> into Hillsborough or Durham. A estate lots, conservation lots, or <br /> mix of land uses is possible and cluster lots; and <br /> these areas will eventually be • in certain areas, a landowner can <br /> served by water and sewer. get additional housing units <br /> (density bonus) by increasing the <br /> Implementation Options amount of preserved open space <br /> beyond the 33% minimum. <br /> The Planning Group explored <br /> traditional legal tools for plan It is i portant to remember that these <br /> implementation such as changes in are voluntary options and landowners <br /> zoning (County regulations that still have the choice of conventional <br /> govern land-uses, the location and subdivision development! <br />