Orange County NC Website
10 , • <br /> STONEY CREEK SMALL AREA PLAN <br /> Community Open House at New Hope Elementary School <br /> March 21, 1996 <br /> Introduction The Orange County Commissioners <br /> appointed the Stoney Creek Small <br /> In the past year a group of 22 citizens Area Planning Group (see roster at <br /> has worked on a land use plan for the end) to develop a land use plan - and <br /> Stoney Creek area that achieves two recommendations for how it might be <br /> goals: implemented - for the 4,700 acre area <br /> southeast of Hillsborough. Before the <br /> • Protects the rights that plan can be considered for adoption <br /> landowners have now to derive by the County Commissioners, it <br /> value from their land. The plan must be presented at public hearing <br /> does = take away any of the and receive Planning Board review. <br /> development options a landowner <br /> now has and does = downzone The Stoney Creek Plan <br /> the area; and <br /> Citizens lobbied to get this planning <br /> • Protects the area's "rural process started because suburban- <br /> character" by adding new, style conventional developments are <br /> voluntary options for how spreading and could overtake the <br /> landowners can develop their land. remaining rural aspects of the Stoney <br /> Creek area. <br /> What is a Land Use Plan? <br /> The Planning Group identified key <br /> It is a statement of the County's resource areas and then identified <br /> goals, policies, and recommendations levels of land-use intensity that would <br /> regarding future land development. help protect these resources. The <br /> As an official public document resources include Duke Forest, the <br /> adopted by the Board of County Stoney Creek Wildlife Corridor, New <br /> Commissioners, it reflects general Hope Presbyterian Church lands, <br /> consensus about how, when, and scenic road corridors, and existing <br /> where the County should encourage farmland and neighborhoods. Three <br /> or discourage future development and levels of land-use intensity (lower, <br /> is embodied in map and tent form. intermediate, and higher) are being <br /> recommended for different parts of <br />