Agenda - 05-01-1996 - IX-A
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-01-1996
Agenda - 05-01-1996 - IX-A
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Last modified
10/23/2013 11:53:43 AM
Creation date
10/23/2013 11:53:34 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes - 19960501
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\1990's\1996
NSN ORD-1996-010 Subdivision Regulations Text Amendments - Flexible Development-Open Space Proposal
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\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 1990-1999\1996
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io <br /> could we break it down into a phased approach which avoided those <br /> concerns, namely Phase I consisting of estate lots, conservation lots, and <br /> cluster lots where the lot size was at least one acre. Phase II could then <br /> consist of cluster lots of less than an acre and the village option, and could be <br /> implemented after the issues of groundwater availability and sewage disposal <br /> were resolved. We should also couple this approach with the educational <br /> programs as planned and get developers on board with the less complicated <br /> approaches first and see how they work. <br /> Concerns about those problems can be addressed with the first plan because it <br /> provides the test case and the current "health-safety-welfare" clause provides <br /> the basis for how we deal with those issues. Would like for staff to evaluate <br /> whether we have the ability to turn down a proposal based on the availability <br /> of groundwater. Applicants should be determining whether sufficient <br /> groundwater is available and present evidence to that effect, particularly in <br /> cases of cluster development before investing a lot of money in the project. <br /> • Public Information Meeting: Would like for some wording changes to be <br /> made so that it becomes a "neighbor" information meeting. Otherwise, it will <br /> become a public hearing. Needs to be made clear that it is an information <br /> meeting and not a hearing. If neighbors have concerns, should be voiced at a <br /> higher level; e.g., Planning Board and Commissioners. <br /> • Estate Lots: Why couldn't the four-acre lot size be an average over the <br /> whole development rather than four acres for each lot? <br /> Why are estate lots required to provide 50% open space? <br /> Because of their larger size, there is opportunity to provide more open <br /> space. Such lots would generally be found in areas where there are poor <br /> soils or other constraints, or where the developer is developing such lots to <br /> meet a specific market. <br /> • Affordable Housing: Is there a definition of affordable housing? <br /> Yes, at or below 80%of the median family income. <br /> • Relationship to Small Area Planning Process: Can the results of a small <br /> area planning process add to or take away from the Flexible Development <br /> approach if the area residents wish to do so? <br /> Yes, through an zoning overlay approach. <br /> • Roads: Think that allowing more than 25 lots to be served by a private road <br /> is excessive, particularly when no justification is required as is now for <br />
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