Orange County NC Website
m. Provide proactive planning,guidance and oversight for the construction,operation,monitoring and closure <br /> of solid waste disposal facilities. <br /> n. Ensure that the present landfill and any future landfills are operated to last as long as reasonable. <br /> Agency Governing Body: Members of the agency board are appointed to three-year staggered terms by the <br /> governing boards of Chapel Hill, Carrboro,Hillsborough, and Orange County. To provide for the staggered terms <br /> of the members, the initial appointments by the four governing boards shall be for the following terms: <br /> Chapel Hill: Member A. 3 years <br /> Member B. 1 year <br /> Carrboro: Member A. 2 years <br /> Member B. 3 years <br /> Hillsborough: Member A. 1 year <br /> Member B. 2 years <br /> Orange County: Member A. 3 years <br /> Member B. 2 years <br /> 1. Each of the four governing boards appoints two persons to the solid waste agency board. For the initial <br /> terms,both appointments must be elected members of the governing board making the appointment. After <br /> the initial appointments, at least one of the two representatives of each government must be an elected <br /> member of the governing board making the appointment. An elected member ceases to be a member of <br /> the solid waste agency board when he/she ceases to be a member of the appointing governing board. <br /> 2. No member may be appointed to more than two full consecutive terms on the agency board. Regular terms <br /> start on January 1 and end on December 31. The initial appointments date from the January 1 of the year <br /> in which the provisions of this agreement become effective. <br /> 3. Each member of the agency board serves at the pleasure of the appointing governing board and may be <br /> removed at any time by the appointing board, with or without cause. <br /> 4. A vacancy on the agency board is filled by the governing board that appointed the person who vacated the <br /> agency board seat. In the case of a vacancy created during the term of a member, the appointment to fill <br /> the vacancy is for the remaining portion of the term in order to preserve the staggered-term pattern. <br /> 5. The agency board elects from its membership a chairman and a vice chairman at its annual organization <br /> meeting, which shall be held each year at its first regular meeting in January. <br /> 6. The agency board shall adopt its own rules of procedure not inconsistent with the provisions of this joint <br /> agreement and generally accepted parliamentary procedures. <br /> 7. • Each member of the agency board has one vote. <br /> • In the absence of a member, the vote of the other member who was appointed by the same <br /> government would equal the entire strength of their delegation (e.g. their vote would equal two <br /> votes). <br /> • Five affirmative votes are necessary to take any action. <br /> • The chairman votes as a member of the board and has no additional nor tie-breaking vote. <br /> • Members may not abstain from voting except when excused for conflict of interest by the <br /> unanimous vote of the remaining members of the board who are present at the meeting. <br /> • The vote of a member who abstains from voting on any question without having been excused <br /> shall be counted as having been cast in the affirmative. <br /> • The vote of any member who leaves a meeting without having been excused shall be counted as <br /> having been cast in the affirmative on any question on which there is a vote after he/she departs. <br />