Orange County NC Website
GOALS FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF SOLID WASTE IN ORANGE COUNTY <br /> The mission of the Orange Solid Waste Management Group shall be to <br /> minimize the generation of waste; to conserve resources; to recycle <br /> and reuse that portion of our waste that we can; and to dispose of <br /> the remaining solid waste in an environmentally sound, socially <br /> responsible and cost effective manner. <br /> 1. Manage the waste in Orange County consistent with the mission <br /> statement above, consistent with environmental and human <br /> health protection, consistent with conservation of natural <br /> resources and energy, and in compliance with all federal, <br /> State and local laws and regulations. <br /> 2 . Set aggressive waste reduction goals, with the intent of <br /> raising waste reduction goals when set goals have been <br /> achieved. <br /> 3 . Achieve these stated goals through the development of public <br /> and public-private waste preventions, source reduction, <br /> recycling and reuse opportunities, materials recovery, as well <br /> as development and implementation of public and public-private <br /> education programs, policies and incentives to promote waste <br /> prevention, recycling and reuse. <br /> 4. Design, develop and implement public information, awareness <br /> and education programs designed to increase public awareness <br /> of the need for, and public involvement in the implementation <br /> of, source reduction, recycling composting, and to promote <br /> environmentally sound and cost effective integrated solid <br /> waste management. <br /> 5. Participate with regional efforts to manage and reduce waste <br /> when consistent with adopted goals and policies. <br /> 6. Evaluate and establish alternatives for the management of <br /> recyclable materials banned from landfilling. <br /> 7. Evaluate and establish alternatives for the management of <br /> materials which pose special management problems. Develop <br /> programs which result in the elimination of these materials <br /> from the waste stream whenever possible. <br /> 8. Reduce and eventually eliminate littering and illegal dumping <br /> of solid waste in Orange County by developing and enforcing <br /> harsh penalties for such activities. <br /> 9. Make planning for solid waste in Orange County consistent with <br /> the above stated management practices. Priority should be <br /> given to waste prevention and waste reduction in order to make <br /> landfilling the last resort. <br />