Orange County NC Website
9.1.5 The Drawings are as follows, and are dated February 14, 199§nless a is shown below: <br /> (Either list the Drawings here or refer to an exhibit attached to this Agreement.) <br /> Number Title Date <br /> P-1 Plumbing Demolition and Renovation Plans <br /> S-1 Structural Demolition and Renovation Plans <br /> S-2 Structural Sections <br /> 9.1.6 The addenda, if any, are as follows: <br /> Number Date Pages <br /> Addendum No. 1 March 8, 1996 1 <br /> Portions of addenda relating to bidding requirements are not part of the Contract Documents unless the bidding requirements are <br /> also enumerated in this Article 9. <br /> AIA DOCUMENT A101 • OWNER-CONTRACTOR AGREEMENT • TWELFTH EDI'T'ION • AIAT • ©198- <br /> THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS, 1735 NEW YORK AVENUE,N.W.,WASHINGTON,D.C.20006 A101-1987 7 <br /> WARNING:Unlicensed photocopying violates U.S.copyright laws and is subject to legal prosecution. <br />