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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agenda <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT Item No. <br /> Meeting Date: April 16, 1996 <br /> SUBJECT: ANIMAL SHELTER DRAIN RENOVATION; BID AWARD <br /> DEPARTMENT: PURCHASING AND Public Hearing: No <br /> CENTRAL SERVICES Budget Amendment Reqd? Yes <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> PAM JONES, ext. 2650 <br /> Bid Tabulation WILBERT MCADOO ext. 2625 <br /> PAUL THAMES ext. 2300 <br /> Telephone Numbers- <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill 967-9251 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> PURPOSE: To consider awarding a bid and approving a contract, contingent upon Attorney and <br /> Staff review, for drain piping renovation work at the Animal Shelter. <br /> BACKGROUND: The Animal Shelter has experienced increasing maintenance problems <br /> associated with the drain lines in the older kennels of the Shelter. The design used in the new <br /> portion of the Shelter, added in 1989, features raised floors of the kennels with the drain piping <br /> running in a pipe chase between the kennel floor and the building floor. This design <br /> accomplished two goals: (1) better visibility of the animals to the potential adopting public, since <br /> the kennel floors were literally raised by approximately 18 inches; and (2) easier access to the <br /> drain pipes when maintenance work is needed. It is upon this design that the renovation work in <br /> the older kennels is based. <br /> Since the construction market has been unpredictable in recent memory, the bid was solicited <br /> using two methods. First, a lump sum bid was requested for all kennels to be renovated. <br /> Second, the kennels were divided into three groups based on their location within the Shelter and <br /> each kennel group was then bid as an alternate. This allows the Board to award all or part of the <br /> work as the budget allows. The budget of$48,000 will allow us to renovate two groups of the <br /> kennels at a total cost of$49,412 (alternates#1 and 2). This would leave one group of kennels <br /> to be renovated at a later date as additional funds become available. The additional$1,412 <br /> needed to construct alternates#1 and 2 will be supported through the Public Works operating <br /> budget. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board award a bid and approve a <br /> contract, contingent upon Attorney and Staff review, to Quality Mechanical, Burlington for the <br /> drain piping renovation of two groups of kennels at the Animal Shelter, as identified in Altemates <br /> #1 and 02, for a sum of$49,412; and authorize the Chair to sign on behalf of the Board. <br />