Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> ORANGE COUNTY' CONTRACT <br /> Orange County,a body politic organized and existing under the laws of the State of North Carolina, <br /> hereinafter referred to as"County";and iPTII1TIES REDUCTION SPECIALISTS,a partnership organized <br /> and doing business under the laws of the State of North Carolina,hereinafter refaced to as"Specialists",do <br /> hereby agree and covenants as follows: <br /> W ITNESSETH <br /> 1. Specialists agree that it will: <br /> A. Conduct a utility audit by analyzing: telephone billings and records;electric billings and records;gas <br /> billings and records as directed by County. <br /> B. Seek refunds and credits for billing errors; <br /> C. Create a cost savings plan which will identify and implement actions and modifications which are <br /> guaranteed to be full and completely transparent to the County's business operations and <br /> imperceptible in any fashion except in the form of reduced billing. <br /> 2. The County agrees as follows: <br /> A It will retain Specialists as its exclusive utility consultants; <br /> B. It will provide Specialists with the one(1)month of its telephone bills and one(1)month of energy <br /> bills. <br /> C. It will compensate Specialists as follows: For refunds or credits from any utility company the fee <br /> will be fifty percent(50'/0)of the refimds and/or credits that result from the Specialists'audit. This <br /> fee will be payable upon receipt of the refired or credit. The fee for the cost savings plan,as <br /> described above,will be fifty percent(500/6)of the savings demonstrated over a twenty-four(24) <br /> month period following the implementation of the audit. <br /> 3. The parties agree that the tam of this contract is twenty-four(24)months. <br /> 4. The parties agree that m the event the County is required to make any ogmditures whatsoever to <br /> obtain egiripmeat/sezvices to implement the cost savings,the County's approval will be obtained in <br /> advance by Specialists and the amount will be fully deducted from the savings sum and commissiorn <br /> calculated on the balance. <br /> 5. The parties firther agree that the following actions will be excluded as a fee item under the cost <br /> savings plan: <br /> A. Potential hard fiuww*ng of Chapel Hill lines to a less expensive Hillsborough line. <br /> B. Any recommendation which may eliminate Chapel Hill and/or Burlington lines or any <br /> other line which may be effected by Eat Area Service(EAS)now in effect in Orange County. <br /> Page 1 of 2 <br />