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3 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> age <br /> August 22, 1995 <br /> Attached is a list of bills (Appendix B) that appear to be eligible for <br /> consideration during the 1996 Short Session under the criteria listed in (b) <br /> above. This list does not include all eligible a pproRriations and finance <br /> bills, but only ose that Bassed one house and have been received in e <br /> other and are -still aLive" under the terms ot the preceding p ara <br /> Ihis t was generated by the Legislative Automated Systems Di_ ion. <br /> (c) Bills implementing the recommendations of study commissions authorized <br /> or directed to report to the 1996 Session; of the House Ethics Committee; <br /> and of the Legislative Ethics Committee or of its Advisory Subcomittee. <br /> Any such bills must have been submitted to the Bill Drafti mng Division by <br /> 4:00 p.m., Thursday, May 16, 1996; and must be filed for introduction in <br /> the Senate or introduced in the House of Representatives by 4:00 p.m. on <br /> Thursday, May 23, 1996. <br /> Attached are lists of study commissions and committees as well as agency <br /> studies authorized or directed to report to the 1996 Session (Appendix Q. <br /> (d) Any local bill submitted to the Bill Drafting Division by 4:00 p.m. on <br /> Wednesday, May 22, 1996, and filed for introduction in the Senate or <br /> introduced in the House of Representatives by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday, <br /> May 29, 1996. The bill must be accompanied by a certificate signed by <br /> the principal sponsor stating that no public hearing will be required or <br /> asked for by a member on the bill, the bill is noncontroversial, and the <br /> bill is approved for introduction by ,each member of the House of <br /> Representatives and Senate whose district includes the area to which the <br /> bill applies. <br /> (e) Selection, appointment or confirmation of members of State boards and <br /> commissions as required by law, including the filling of vacancies of <br /> positions for which the appointees were elected by the General Assembly <br /> upon recommendation of the President of the Senate, President Pro <br /> Tempore of the Senate, or Speaker of the House of Representatives. <br /> (f) Any matter authorized by joint resolution passed during the 1996 Session <br /> by two-thirds majority of the House of Representatives present and voting <br /> and by two-thirds majority of the Senate present and voting. A bill or <br /> resolution filed in either chamber under the provisions of this subsection <br /> shall have a copy of the ratified enabling resolution attached to the jacket <br /> before filing for introduction in the Senate or introduction in the House of <br /> Representatives. <br /> (g) Any bills primarily affecting any State or local pension or retirement <br /> system, submitted to the Bill Drafting Division by 4:00 p.m. Wednesday, <br /> May 22, 1996; and introduced in the House of Representatives or filed for <br /> introduction in the Senate by 4:00 p.m. on Wednesday May 29, 1996. <br /> (h) Joint resolutions, House resolutions, and Senate resolutions pertaining to <br /> Section 5(10) of Article III of the Constitution of North Carolina, <br />