Orange County NC Website
3 North Carolina General Assembly 2 <br /> S Legislative Services Office GEORGE R. HALL.JR.,Legislative Administrative Officer <br /> �.�. Legislative Office Building (919)733-7044 <br /> 300 N.Salisbury Street, Raleigh, N. C. 27603-5925 <br /> DONALD W.FULFORD,Director GERRY F.COHEN.Director THOMAS L COVINGTON,Director TERRENCE D.SULLIVAN,Director <br /> Automated Systems Division Bill Drafting Division Fiscal Research Division Research Division <br /> Suite 400,(919)733-6834 Suite 100, (919)733-6660 Suite 619, (919)7334910 Suite 545,(919)733-2578 <br /> August 22, 1995 <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> FROM: Terrence D. SuRivari <br /> Director of Research <br /> RE: Bills Eligible for Consideration by the General Assembly During the 1996 <br /> Short Session of the 1995 General Assembly <br /> Section 1 of Resolution 15 (HJR 1069) of the 1995 General Assembly provides that the <br /> Senate and House of Representatives "shall . . . reconvene at noon on Monday, May <br /> 13, 1996" (Appendix A). As in the past, only certain measures may be considered in <br /> the short session -- primarily those relating to appropriations, finances, retirements and <br /> pensions, and localities; certain legislation from the 1995 Session; and legislation <br /> proposed by study commissions. Any measure, however, may be introduced and <br /> considered if authorized by a joint resolution passed by two-third's vote of each <br /> chamber's members present and voting. For the second time, an interim adjournment <br /> resolution has an automatic sine die adjournment date -- June 21, 1996 (Section 3 of <br /> Resolution 15 for the upcoming session). <br /> Only the following matters are specifically allowed to be considered during the 1996 <br /> Session: <br /> (a) Bills directly and primarily affecting the State budget for fiscal year 1996- <br /> 97. These measures must have been submitted to the Bill Drafting <br /> Division of the Le ''slative Services Office by 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, <br /> May 23, 1996 and filed for introduction in the Senate or introduced in the <br /> House of Representatives by 4:00 p.m. Thursday, May 30, 1996. <br /> (b) Bills introduced in 1995 and having passed third reading by May 11, 1995 <br /> in the house in which introduced, received in the other house by May 11, <br /> 1995 (or on which a message is received in the second house that the first <br /> house passed the bill by May 11) and not disposed of in the other house <br /> by: <br /> (i) tabling; <br /> (ii) unfavorable committee report; <br /> (iii) indefinite postponement; <br /> (iv) failure to pass any reading; and <br /> that do not violate the rules of either body. <br /> "'w AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER <br />