Agenda - 04-01-1996 - IX-C
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-01-1996
Agenda - 04-01-1996 - IX-C
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Last modified
10/22/2013 12:55:15 PM
Creation date
10/22/2013 12:55:12 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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9 <br /> nu dedicate land for a park site or make a payment-in-lieu. They do not get credit for <br /> U private recreation. The oly exception would be in transition areas where densities <br /> are higher. <br /> Jobsis asked if the fees would stop at the$422 and$455 or if there would be <br /> increases when the Master Plan is updated. Collins responded that if it is <br /> determined during the update that a greater number of park sites is needed,the <br /> payment-in-lieu could increase. However, if the philosophy that is adopted is to <br /> rely more on the developer to provide for the recreational needs of the residents, <br /> there may be less requirement for public parks,and the cost could go down. <br /> Jobsis expressed concern that she felt this was a major shift in policy and she did <br /> not feel that the County has really heard about this even though it was presented at <br /> the February 26 public hearing. She continued that she had difficulty <br /> understanding everything about this issue at the public hearing and was concerned <br /> that the residents of Orange County did not really understand or would have <br /> voiced an opinion about what they are being asked to pay for in regard to a park <br /> system. Collins responded that he had the same concern. However,there were <br /> four citizens who called him to ask how it would affect specific situations and he <br /> felt that they would be in attendance at the public hearing. However,none of the <br /> citizens who called came to the public hearing and voiced any opposition to it. <br /> Collins continued that Patrick Mulkey who is a member of the Recreation and <br /> Parks Advisory Council and is also on the Bingham TAC might have a better feel <br /> for the citizens lack of response. Mr.Mulkey stated that the Bingham TAC has <br /> not discussed this issue but it was mentioned at the TAC meeting in February but <br /> sufficient information was not available for discussion. Mr.Mulkey continued <br /> expressing sympathy with the Chair that the citizenry are not well aware of the <br /> plan and the cost. Collins responded that a copy of the proposal was sent to Nick <br /> Tennyson who is the Executive Director of the Homebuilders' Association and <br /> neither he nor any members of the Homebuilders' Association attended the public <br /> hearing or contacted Staff after the public hearing. Jobsis expressed concern that <br /> maybe it was not understood,noting again that it was a very significant move. <br /> Collins agreed that it is a major move or change. <br /> Waddell noted that there is a reduction in the requirement for the amount of land <br /> from 1/35th of an acre to 1/57th and suggested that this was seen as a reduction. <br /> Collins responded that it was only a reduction in the amount of land,the increase <br /> is in the cost of developing a park. <br /> Rosemond asked Mr.Mulkey if he felt there were specific areas of the Master <br /> Recreation and Parks Plan that would require updating. Mr.Mulkey stated that he <br /> had a degree in Parks and Recreation Administration,and he felt that a substantial <br /> reconfiguring of locations should be done. Two of the four districts parks are <br /> located in watersheds. The County does not have an agreement with local <br /> authorities to locate parks in the watersheds nor to build the facilities designated.. <br /> He continued that there would be substantial reconfiguring of the entire plan. <br /> He also indicated he felt there would be an increase in the costs of maintaining <br /> playground equipment. <br /> Katz asked what kind of process Mr.Mulkey would recommend for revising the <br /> Plan. Mr.Mulkey responded that comments from some of the RPAC members <br /> indicated the need to visit the plan to see if the County could begin to achieve <br /> some of the goals. He noted that there are State resources that are available at <br />
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