Orange County NC Website
6 <br /> The property is located on the north side of NC 54 in Bingham Township. It is <br /> zoned R-1 and designated Rural Residential in the Land Use Element of the <br /> Comprehensive Plan. <br /> The area proposed for development is 40.46 acres in size with 19 lots proposed. <br /> Each lot will be served by individual wells and septic tanks and have a minimum <br /> lot size of 40,000 square feet.Collins Creek flows along the western property line <br /> and has a 100 year flood line indicated on the plan. <br /> Access to the property is from NC 54 with the proposed subdivision roads to be <br /> public and constructed to State standards.A 1993 traffic count on NC 54 indicated <br /> 4,100 trips per day just west of this property. <br /> The Planning Board previously approved the Concept Plan for Brentwood Farms <br /> Subdivision on February 20, 1995 with 33 lots and two conditions: <br /> 1. All lots shall receive access from the subdivision roads. <br /> 2. Provided right-of-way can be obtained or provided,a left <br /> turn lane and a right deceleration lane to NCDOT shall be <br /> constructed on NC 54. <br /> This approval expired February 20, 1996. <br /> Condition number 2 was based on the January 11, 1995 letter from NCDOT(copy <br /> an attachment to these minutes on page .) A new letter was received from <br /> NCDOT indicating that since the number of lots has been reduced from thirty- <br /> three(33)to nineteen(19)the left turn lane and right deceleration lane <br /> were no longer warranted. <br /> This Concept Plan indicates approximately 6.5 acres of open space which was not <br /> proposed on the previously approved Concept Plan. <br /> The Planning Staff recommends approval of the Concept Plan for Chapel West <br /> with the condition that all lots receive access from the subdivision roads. <br /> Allison asked how much of the 6.5 acres of open space is buildable. Kirk <br /> responded that the majority of the 6.5 acres is in the floodplain.Very little would <br /> be buildable. <br /> Katz asked who would own or be responsible for the open space. Kirk responded <br /> that it would be owned and maintained by a Homeowner's Association. <br /> MOTION: Waddell moved approval as recommended by the Planning Staff. <br /> Seconded by Barrows. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> AGENDA ITEM#9: MATTERS HEARD AT PUBLIC HEARING 2/26/96 <br /> a. Comprehensive Plan Amendments <br /> (1) CP-1-96 Historic Preservation Element <br /> Presentation by Don Belk. <br />