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10 <br /> Belk added that the Planning Staff recommends adoption of the Historic Preservation Element as <br /> part of the Comprehensive Plan. <br /> The Commission agreed that it was not their intent to separate out the segments of the <br /> community. The Plan does contain sites from all segments, including those of the African- <br /> American community. The Commission looked at the architectural attributes of these properties <br /> and history, where noted. The Commission is committed to being very inclusive of the entire <br /> community and that is reflected in the goals and objectives. <br /> Belk stated that after the Commission's recommendation tonight, the Historic Preservation <br /> Element will go to the Planning Board. The Planning Board will be asked (on March 18, 1996) <br /> to make a recommendation based on public hearing comments. The Historic Preservation <br /> Element would then return to the Board of Commissioners on April 1, 1996, who will make the <br /> final vote to adopt. <br /> MOTION: White moved to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners to adopt this <br /> Historic Preservation Element of the Orange County Comprehensive Plan. <br /> Seconded by Anderson. <br /> VOTE: Unanimous. <br /> AGENDA ITEM#7: DISCUSSION ITEMS <br /> a. Local Landmark Designation Program <br /> Belk reported that in 1993 Orange County completed an inventory of historic architecture in the <br /> unincorporated portions of the county. The inventory of archeological sites was completed in <br /> September 1994. To provide the maximum protection for the historic and archeological <br /> resources in the county, the Historic Preservation Commission will initiate a program to <br /> designate local historic landmarks. <br /> Local landmark designation is voluntary. The procedures for designation are currently contained <br /> in the Historic Preservation Ordinance. The Historic Preservation Commission must present the <br /> program to the Board of Commissioners for approval prior to implementation. Then the Historic <br /> Preservation Commission will contact property owners of significant resources and educate the <br /> public about the advantages of local designation. <br /> Development of the landmarks program includes setting criteria for evaluation of potential <br /> landmark properties. Property tax incentives should be considered as well. Research papers <br /> prepared by former Planning Department interns may be useful in drafting the proposal for local <br /> designation methods. <br /> 5 <br />