Orange County NC Website
t 1 <br /> ORANGECOUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: April 1. 1996 <br /> Agenda Abstract <br /> Item#--v=-0 <br /> SUBJECT: CP-1-96 HISTORIC PRESERVATION ELEMENT <br /> DEPARTMENT: Planning PUBLIC HEARING:_Yes-X-No <br /> BUDGET AMENDMENT REQUIRED:_Yes-X-No <br /> ATTACHMENTS: INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> Don Belk X2594 <br /> (1) Draft Public Hearing Minutes Planner II/Special Projects <br /> (see February 26 agenda for <br /> additional information) PHONE NUMBERS: <br /> (2) Draft Minutes, Historic Preservation Commission Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Meeting, 3/5/96 Mebane 227-2031 <br /> (3) Draft Minutes, Planning Board Meeting, 3/18/96 Durham 688-7331 <br /> Chapel Hill 967-9251 <br /> PURPOSE: To consider adoption of the Historic Preservation Element as part of the Comprehensive <br /> Plan. <br /> BACKGROUND: In May, 1994, the County was awarded a fourth Survey and Planning Grant from the NC <br /> Department of Cultural Resources for preparation of a Preservation Element (also called <br /> Preservation Plan) for the County. In October, 1994 the Jaeger Company (TJC) of <br /> Gainesville, Georgia was hired to produce a plan to be incorporated into the Orange <br /> County Comprehensive Plan. <br /> During the initial phase of Plan development, the consultants collected relevant data on the <br /> history and prehistory of Orange County and examined the inventories of historic <br /> architectural and archeological sites. They also assessed the threats and opportunities <br /> affecting the county's cultural resources. This work is reflected in Chapters 2.0 and 3.0 <br /> of the final draft. <br /> In March, 1995,TJC staff met with the Planning Department staff and members of citizen <br /> advisory groups, boards, and commissions to obtain input on the status of historic <br /> preservation in Orange County. Three (3) public meetings hosted by the Historic <br /> Preservation Commission were conducted in early May to discuss the attitudes and <br /> concerns of citizens related to historic preservation. Based on the issues that emerged <br /> during exchanges with staff, appointed/elected officials, and interested citizens, Goals and <br /> Objectives were proposed. These are outlined in Chapter 5.0. Chapter 6.0 contains more <br /> specific action strategies to be used in carrying out the goals and objectives. The list of <br /> action strategies include a general time frame for implementation and lists the participants <br /> to be involved in each step. <br />