Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> "OFFICIAL FOR A DAY" <br /> April 23, 1996 <br /> AGENDA <br /> 9:OOam - 9:30am Welcome& Introductions (includes continental breakfast) <br /> - Government Services Center <br /> (*Dept. Heads are encouraged to attend) <br /> 9:30am- 12:00 noon Students "Mentoring with Department Heads" <br /> 12:00 noon- 1:OOpm Lunch(for Students and Department Heads) <br /> -Recreation and Parks Department <br /> 1:OOpm - 2:OOpm "Mock" Board of Commissioners Meeting <br /> - Library Conference Room <br /> 2:OOpm- 2:15pm Student Comments/Evaluation <br /> -Library Conference Room <br /> 2:15pm Adjourn <br />