Orange County NC Website
DCF Engineefingjnc- 9 <br /> Cadwalader Jones Law Office September Page 4 of 5 <br /> RECOMMENDATIONS: <br /> The guidelines for applying the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation <br /> recommend that the "special problems inherent in the structural system of historic <br /> buildings, especially where there are visible signs of cracking, deflection or failure" be <br /> recognized. "Stabilization and repair of weakened structural members and systems <br /> when damaged or inadequate" are also recommended. "Historically important <br /> structural members" are to be replaced "only when necessary." This is a case where <br /> the supporting foundation wall is clearly inadequate. Reconstruction of the wall in a <br /> traditional manner is the appropriate solution. <br /> A replacement wall should extend to two feet below grade and be battered on the <br /> inside (against the soil) to resist overturning. The minimum wall thickness should be <br /> 2'-0" at the top of the wall. A properly constructed stone wall might have five times <br /> as much stone in it as the original foundation wall for stability and to extend to below <br /> the frost level. Reconstruction of the wall would yield the most permanent repair. <br /> Support of the building during construction will require the services of a structural <br /> moving contractor or a building/craftsman with underpinning and stone wall <br /> construction experience. The original stones can be salvaged and used in the new <br /> wall. <br /> ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: <br /> This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of the Hillsborough Historical <br /> Society and their assignees for specific application to the referenced property in <br /> accordance with generally accepted engineering practice. <br /> Our inspection consisted of visual observation onl Y. made solely to determine e the <br /> structural integrity of the described building. Neither the inspection nor the report <br /> covers architectural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, hydrological and geotechnical <br /> features. <br /> No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made. These conclusions and <br /> recommendations may not reflect variations in conditions which ' could exist <br /> intermediate of the observed locations or in unexplored areas of the building. Should <br /> such variations become apparent during subsequent investigation or construction, it <br /> may be necessary to re-evaluate our conclusions and recommendations based upon <br /> an on-site observation of the conditions. <br />