Orange County NC Website
t <br /> 20 r <br /> Preliminary Interpretive Proposal: <br /> Norwood-Jones Law Office <br /> Prepared by: Cathleen Turner, Executive Director <br /> The Alliance for Historic Hillsborough <br /> Hillsborough has a wealth of historic resources relating to its history as the county seat of <br /> Orange County since the mid-eighteenth century. The remaining early nineteenth century <br /> law offices are a testament to its significance as the center of government and the home of <br /> many noted jurists. The Norwood-Jones Law Office, located on the southwest corner of <br /> West Margaret Lane and Court Street, is a unique example of this building type. <br /> With the restoration of the Hughes Academy nearing completion, an excellent <br /> opportunity exists to interpret the history of both law education and the law profession to <br /> visitors and students. With the County's approval, the Norwood-Jones Law Office could <br /> become part of this heritage tourism program in Hillsborough. <br /> Tour recommendation: <br /> Monday- Friday <br /> A volunteer can be stationed at the Alexander Dickson House (Orange County Visitors <br /> Center)to give two 30 minute tours per day to the Regulator Marker, the Hughes <br /> Academy,*the Norwood-Jones Law Office,* and the Old Orange County Courthouse.** <br /> One of the tours can be scheduled in the morning and the other in the afternoon. <br /> Saturday <br /> A volunteer can give two 45 minute tours per day that will include the Regulator Marker, <br /> Hughes Academy,*Norwood-Jones Law Office,* and the Old Orange County <br /> Courthouse.* <br /> Sunday <br /> A volunteer can give one 45 minute tour that will include the Regulator Marker,Hughes <br /> Academy,*Norwood-Jones Law Office,* and the Old Orange County Courthouse.** <br /> *includes a tour of the interior and exterior of the building. <br /> ** <br /> exterior tour only. <br />