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Sister.Community Project <br /> FAWWWter <br /> z �: .News rand Reports <br /> 1994/ 5 s <br /> From West Oakland to East London; <br /> Sharing Community Development Experience <br /> AmarCasey,a comprehensiveplannerwith "Presidential Projects-, which will provide renovate several residential hotels. <br /> the City of Oakland, CA, spent a month in each chosen community with millions of <br /> South Africa in July 1994. These are same of dollars in special funding for community Although there are numerous similarities <br /> his reflections on the experience. . development I became one of the principal between West Oakland and South Africa, <br /> writers for the proposal to President Mandela there were some sharp differences as well. <br /> Ireturn from a month in South Africa full of on behalf of the provincial government. The The extended family is still very strong in <br /> enthusiasm and hope,because of the process proposal we worked on for Duncan Village South Africa so the need to have housing that <br /> of change I saw there. As a city planner in was one of eight initial projects chosen for can expand to incorporate aging parents is <br /> Oakland,'the experience has enriched the funding. The proposal will commit over culturally critical. In South Africa there is a <br /> meaning and value of my own work in the R620 million($180 million)over five years. much higher priority on access to the land and <br /> U.S. Although the cultures of the two coun- This funding will construct 28 primary and 2 its distribution and ownership.Also in South <br /> tries are very different,I found the struggle secondary schools,construct a bridge across Africa the Reconstruction and Development <br /> forempowermentauddevelopmentverysimi- the B uffalo River to expand Duncan Village, Program developed by the ANC is the na- <br /> Jar,with a great deal to be learned from each and provide skills training to facilitate the tional agenda, while the level of grassroots <br /> other's struggle. construction of 2,942 new homes. organizational development is phenomenal. <br /> Most people belong to the ANC,civic asso- <br /> For the past two years I have been working Another similarity between West Oakland ciations,labor union,and tribal organizations <br /> for the City in West Oakland on Community and South Africa is the effort to create com- and participate in more than one at a time. <br /> Revitalization. When I was asked to partici- munity development strictures as vehicles <br /> pate in a Reconstruction and Development for empowerment into the economic life of There are of course many other cultural and <br /> project in the South African city of East the community. 'These non-profit develop- historical differences between South Africa <br /> London in a township called Duncan Village meat organizations are seen as a key compo- and WestOakland,buthunger.homelessness <br /> I was thrilled.From the moment of my arrival nent of community development work in and dispair reduces us all to the same human <br /> in South Africa, I could see the obvious both places. common denominator in our struggle for <br /> parallels to the situation in the US.,particu- lakwadw from want and need. I learned by <br /> larly in the contrasts of wealth and poverty. Housing construction is as high a priority going to South Africa that there are many <br /> for Duncan Village as for West Oakland positive efforts in the United States that are <br /> Just before I went to South Africa we had residents. In Duncan Village a "Housing applicable and highly respected by South <br /> completed a "Consensus Building and Vi- Trust"organization has been addressing the Africans. In turn I.gained a deeper under- <br /> sioning" process in West Oakland around problem directly and will serve as an imple- standing of what itmeans for aommmunity to <br /> empowerment and development priorities. mentation structure when fundingisreceived. be organized to fight for its own interests. <br /> Slow and contentious though it was,this has It is already erecting eight model houses of Continued cultural exchanges betwcoq our <br /> been the most effective effort to date in West varying types in Duncan Village. In West people will not only change South Africa but <br /> Oakland at uniting the residents, business Oakland, the City has been able to utilize more than many realize it will change <br /> owners and workers inthecommunity.While FEMA money from earthquake damage to America. <br /> in South Africa I visited several African <br /> communities in both urban and Waal areas. <br /> In each instance,the struggle for consensus r <br /> and development was at the top of the agenda <br /> Trying to unite numerous factions and points <br /> of view is as difficult for the Africans as it is <br /> in West Oakland. <br /> lathe United States we have what are called <br /> 'Empowerment Zones", which is a federal <br /> program to provide needed support to devas- <br /> tated communities. Oakland has submitted <br /> a strong application with West Oakland be- >•• <br /> ing the largest empowerment zone in the r; " <br /> City. This program has apparently been -'w• <br /> emulated by the South A-fricans through Living conditions in Duncan Village are extremely crowded <br /> 3 <br />