Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> 0 Some combination of the above. <br /> • Water supply/sewage disposal service may include: <br /> 0 Individual wells and septic systems on each lot or located off-lot within a <br /> recorded easement, including subsurface disposal or spray irrigation on <br /> open land; or <br /> 0 A community water and/or sewage disposal system, including subsurface <br /> disposal or spray irrigation on open land, designed, constructed, and <br /> maintained in conformity with all applicable state, federal, and local rules <br /> and regulations; or <br /> 0 Connection to a water and/or sewage disposal system operated by a <br /> municipality, association, or water or sewer authority. As part of such <br /> service provision,public water and sewer extensions would be permitted to <br /> defined "transit corridors" and "transition areas". <br /> The "Flexible Development" option has been prepared in the format of an <br /> amendment to the Subdivision Regulations. The basic strategy is to substitute it <br /> for the current "Cluster Development" standards. Associated with the amendment <br /> would be the preparation of a Rural Design Guidebook to illustrate,through a case <br /> study approach, how to use the options in designing open space or "flexible" <br /> developments. <br /> PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETINGS: Public Information Meetings were <br /> held on November 16,20,and 21 at the Orange Grove Community Center, Walnut <br /> Grove Methodist Church, and New Hope Elementary School, respectively. Prior <br /> to the meetings,flyers were distributed at country stores and community locations, <br /> and approximately 250 notices were sent to advisory boards and subcommittees, <br /> and interested citizens.Approximately 30 citizens attended the three meetings. <br /> PUBLIC HEARING COMMENTS: A public hearing was held on November <br /> 27 at the New A.L. Stanback Middle School for the purpose of receiving citizen <br /> comment on the "Flexible Development" proposal. Minutes of that hearing are <br /> provided as an attachment. <br /> COMMENTS RECEIVED SUBSEQUENT TO PUBLIC HEARING: Section <br /> VII-D-4 of the Subdivision Regulations permits evidence not presented at the <br /> public hearing to be submitted in writing at or prior to the meeting at which the <br /> Planning Board prepares a recommendation on the proposal. Written comments <br /> received since the public hearing as well as a Staff memorandum responding to <br /> issues raised at the public hearing are provided as attachments. <br />