Orange County NC Website
12i 2A/t qqr, 10:11 9199687737 TOWN OF CARRBORO PAGE 02 <br /> 21 <br /> TOWN OF CARRBORO <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> • <br /> Deownbw 28, 1995 <br /> Mr.John Link <br /> County Meow <br /> Orlewcoulty <br /> P.O.Hoot 8181 <br /> IBdsborough,N.C.27278 <br /> Dear John.. <br /> The Mayor and Board of Awarnen asked tae to ft*you and the Caulty C,ommssi for sending <br /> David Stoll to our December 19th Board meetitag. He did an oweilift job in presorting the County's <br /> hleoable dev�doptamt proposal. <br /> The Mayor and the Board of Aldermen have also requested that I convrry to the County <br /> Camniatione s and the County Planning Board comments and questim raised by members of the <br /> curboro Board so they might be considered by each body as it deliberates on the 8aabie development <br /> proposal.They were as fodows: <br /> 1. The plan does not seem to have airy el5od6ve ad woatrent provisions or ovtue power <br /> to d &cdvely preserve the CouwA dwindlt ritual resources and 8rm hands. <br /> 2. Are there any stabstm to show the a mess or Mm rate of sbMw vollmtwy <br /> ;tow using W=dm? <br /> 3. Does the Estate Plan re dy provide open space?Who is and what is not open space, <br /> Per 3%as a desirabk,societal and aesthedW Cahfine <br /> 4. To achieve the Web of the plan,an evahttntioa process should be in phaoe prior to <br /> itaplaaeawtioa of the plan with a set period for the evaluation to tWm place. <br /> Again,dwk you for die prosentation on this proposal and for Conveying these ranorks to the QraW <br /> County Plasrarng Board and the County Cormni siaaas at the appropriate times. The Board looks <br /> forward to their respome and attention,to its conoary <br /> Yours v*, <br /> Robert W.Morgat, <br /> Toga Manager <br /> P.O.•OX•111 • 101 MOST MAIN 1TREET,CANRgORO,NC 37110•(111)112•1641 • PAX total 1161.7701 • TDO 1111)111.7717 <br /> AN COUAI OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER <br />