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2 <br /> significantly increased the workload of the Department particularly in the area of <br /> reporting and tracking contracts and grants. <br /> A full-time Accounting Technician will provide administrative/accounting support and <br /> result in the following outcomes: <br /> 4 Time and effort study required by the consolidated contract with the <br /> Department of Environmental Health and Natural Resources will be <br /> accomplished in a timely manner that will help maintain the flow of State <br /> funds to Orange County. <br /> O Provide for more timely and accurate monitoring of accounts to ensure <br /> better fiscal control and best use of local and state funds, fees, grants, <br /> and other revenues. <br /> O Realign work assignments to allow the administrative officer of the <br /> department to take on the responsibility of managing the local area <br /> network for the Health Department, manage the expansion in the <br /> number of personal computers in the department and manage the <br /> professional service contracts. <br /> 4 Provide for more careful monitoring of grant expenditures to ensure <br /> compliance with the granting agency reporting requirements. <br /> Last year, an administrative study conducted by the Personnel and Budget Departments <br /> supported the need to realign resources to carry out the accounting functions of the <br /> department. Funds to provide temporary accounting technical support were included in <br /> the Health Department budget to provide temporary support while existing positions <br /> were reviewed. <br /> The Community Health Assistant area of responsibility had previously been identified as <br /> a function that should be reassessed, to determine if a more efficient process could be <br /> used to review immunization records and, address the more basic question, whose <br /> responsibility is it to check these records? In Fall 1995, one Community Health Assistant <br /> position become vacant initiating the review of this function. <br /> This increase in hours, if approved would not impact the County budget. The current <br /> funding for the Community Health Assistant position, combined with the temporary <br /> salary funding in the department will cover the cost of increasing the 20 hours per week <br /> authorization for this position to 40 hours per week. <br /> Recommendation <br /> The Manager recommends that the Board of County Commissioners approve the <br /> increase in hours for a vacant Community Health Assistant position from one half time <br /> (.5 Full Time Equivalent [FTE]) to full time (1.0 FTE). This position will then be <br /> reassigned to the Accounting Function within the Health Department. <br />