Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> Orange County <br /> Board of County Commissioners <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No <br /> Z � <br /> Action Agenda Item Abstract <br /> Meeting Date: March 6, 1996 <br /> Subject: Realignment of Position in the Health Department and Increase in Hours <br /> for an Existing Position <br /> Department Public Hearing Yes No_X_ <br /> Health Department Budget Amendment <br /> Needed Yes No_X_ <br /> Attachment(s) Information Contact <br /> None Dan Reimer, Health Department <br /> ext. 2412 <br /> Telephone and Extension Number <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Durham 688-7331 Mebane 227-3021 <br /> Purpose <br /> To consider increasing a one half time position in the Health Department to a full time <br /> position as a result of realigning resources within the DepartmenL <br /> Background <br /> The Health Department has identified the need for additional accounting technical <br /> support to manage the day-to-day operations of the department. Although a new <br /> position within the department has been identified as a high priority in recent years <br /> during budget deliberations, budget constraints has not allowed this new position to be <br /> added. <br /> To provide additional accounting support to meet the increasing workload and to provide <br /> necessary office backup, the Health Department has reassessed existing positions to <br /> identify if resources within the department realigned. Last Fall a Community <br /> Health Assistant position, which is a one half time position, became vacant. A study of <br /> the functions of this position revealed that the major responsibility of the position was to <br /> check immunization records for the Schools. Checking the immunization records for <br /> new students entering the school system is the responsibility of the Board of Education. <br /> Last fall, while this position was vacant, the Schools worked with the Health Department <br /> to complete the immunization record review. Currently the Health Department is <br /> discussing with the Schools how the transfer of this function will be complete. <br /> The Health Department has experienced a dramatic increase in fee generated revenue. <br /> Over the past four years revenue has increased from around $293,000 to $1.85 million. <br /> In addition, the number of grant projects has increased from two to seven. Medical <br /> reimbursements have increased both in volume and in complexity. These changes have <br />