Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> r <br /> V. Describe recipient ' s method of receiving and resolving <br /> housing discrimination complaints . This may be either a <br /> procedure currently being implemented or one to be <br /> implemented under this CDBG grant . Include a description <br /> of how 'the recipient informs the public about the complaint <br /> procedures . (Use additional pages as necessary. ) <br /> 1. Any person or persons wishing to file a complaint of housing <br /> discrimination in Orange County may do so by contacting the Orange <br /> County Department of Human Rights and Relations, the N.C. Human <br /> Relations Commission or the U.S. Department of Housing and Community <br /> Development of the alleged discriminatory act or practice; <br /> 2. The Orange County Housing and Community Development Department will <br /> assist citizens file formal written complaints to the N.C. Human <br /> Relations Commission or the U.S. Department of Housing 'arid Community <br /> Development. <br /> 3. The Housing and Community Development Department will offer <br /> assistance to any of the above agencies in the investigation and <br /> reconciliation of all housing discrimination complaints which are <br /> based on events occurring in Orange County. <br /> 4. For time to time, the Housing and Community Development Department <br /> will publicize the agencies which receive housing discrimination <br /> complaints. <br /> APPROVED BY : Moses Carey, Jr. <br /> Name of Mayor or Chairman <br /> Signature of Mayor or Chairman <br /> Chair to the Board of Commissioners <br /> Title <br /> Date <br /> Page 3 of 3 Pages <br />