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20 Y ' <br /> 09,,,,0 <br /> estimated at $3,283,000. Although comparable to the $3.0 million estimate in the Master <br /> Recreation &Parks Plan, the ULI estimate is considered more accurate. <br /> • Other Facilities & Infrastructure. Insofar as the cost of individual ballfields, picnic shelters, <br /> multi-use courts, and similar facilities is concerned, Woolpert Associates indicated that the <br /> 1987 and 1995 costs for such facilities are comparable. However, there are some important <br /> differences. <br /> Although the ballfield costs are similar, one cost that was apparently omitted from the Master <br /> Recreation & Parks Plan was that for backstops and fencing. That cost was added to the <br /> price of proposed softball fields, but in all other respects, no cost adjustments (e.g., for <br /> lighting, etc.) were made unless specifically mentioned in the Plan. As an example, the Plan <br /> generally recommended two "mixed use" ballfields at each community park. A "mixed use" <br /> field consists of a softball field and adjoining football/soccer field, costing $30,000 each for <br /> the basic fields. To these costs were added the price of backstops and fencing for a total cost <br /> of$80,000. <br /> Another important change occurred with respect to access drives and parking. The 1995 cost <br /> estimate for asphalt paving, including grading and base material, was approximately $2.77 per <br /> square foot. Applied to a parking space standard of 325 square feet per space, including <br /> backup aisles and access drives, the 1995 cost estimate per individual space is $900. This <br /> estimate was applied to the one proposed park where a specific number of spaces (350) was <br /> mentioned, the Cedar GrovelLittle River District Park, and resulted in an estimated cost of <br /> $315,000. The cost for parking for other proposed parks was then adjusted proportionately. <br /> One of the most significant changes occurred in the price of picnic areas. The information <br /> supplied by Woolpert Associates indicated that the current cost for a picnic area, including <br /> grading and seeding, concrete pad, trash can, table, and grill, was $2,000, up from the $500 <br /> estimate used in the Master Recreation & Parks Plan. The Plan recommended that there be <br /> 10 picnic sites to serve 6,000 persons. Based on the recommended land area of 30 acres per <br /> community park and the standard of 2.5 acres per 1,000 population, a community park would <br /> serve approximately 12,000 persons. To serve that number of people, 20 picnic sites at a cost <br /> of$2,000 each would be needed in a typical community park. <br /> A final major adjustment in cost estimates involved the price per linear foot for pedestrian <br /> trails linking facilities within parks. Woolpert Associates provided an estimate of $10 per <br /> linear foot for a 10-foot wide gravel trail. This figure was then applied to the estimated <br /> number of feet of park trails in district (1.5 miles) and community (0.5 miles) parks to obtain <br /> an adjusted estimate for these facilities. <br /> Shown on Table 8 is the total estimated capital cost of all park improvements broken down by <br /> park category (e.g., community vs. district parks) and by specific park facility (e.g., Caldwell <br /> Community Park). These costs have been calculated using the updated cost estimates contained in <br /> Table 7 and result in a total estimated cost of $18,047,250 for all park improvements. <br />