Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> benches have been installed, and picnic shelters and multi-use fields are to be added as part of the <br /> 1995-2000 Capital Improvements Program. <br /> Another facility which has been developed is the Efland-Cheeks Community Center. Opened in <br /> 1992 adjacent to the Efland-Cheeks Elementary School, a new 3,000 sq.ft. community center as <br /> well as picnic areas and a children's playground are currently available for use. Walking, fitness, <br /> and nature trails, and multi-use activity areas for volleyball and horseshoes will be added as part of <br /> the 1995-2000 Capital Improvements Program. <br /> A final facility constructed since the adoption of the Master Recreation &Parks Plan is Triangle <br /> Sportsplex, consisting of an indoor swimming pool, an ice rink, fitness center, community meeting <br /> rooms, sports shop, and a snack bar. The design of the facility includes two separate pools, each <br /> 25 yards by 25 meters in size. One pool has been planned to have 10 lanes for competition and <br /> lap swimming, and the second pool is a recreational type pool with similar dimensions. <br /> Given the construction and/or development of the above facilities, the remaining identified need <br /> for parks in Orange County includes the following: <br /> Community Parks 110 Acres <br /> Northern Human Services Center Expansion (20 acres) <br /> University Station Community Park(30 acres) <br /> White Cross Community Park (30 acres) <br /> Caldwell Community Park(30 acres) <br /> District Parks. 175 Acres <br /> Cane Creek Reservoir District Park <br /> Corporation Lake District Park(75 acres) <br /> Chapel Hill District Park <br /> Little River/Cedar Grove District Park(100 acres) <br /> Determining Cost <br /> Along with recommendations for park types and locations, the Master Recreation & Parks Plan <br /> included a 20-year capital improvements program through which to implement the system of <br /> parks. Shown on Table 6 are the four community parks and four district parks which represent the <br /> identified need for recreational facilities. Also shown is the phasing plan or time schedule for <br /> development of the parks. <br /> As originally scheduled, the parks were to be developed between 1988 and 2008. However, the <br /> phasing plan had to be adjusted to reflect the current 1995-2000 Capital Improvements Program <br /> (CIP). The CIP was adopted in June, 1995 in conjunction with the County's annual operating <br /> budget, and any additions to it would have to be made during the annual budget cycle leading to <br /> the adoption of the 1996-2001 CIP. This means that if the 20-year schedule for parks <br /> development included in the Master Recreation & Parks Plan were initiated in 1996, the parks <br /> system would be completed in the year 2016. <br />