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29 <br /> any way it could be stopped. Mr. Roberts <br /> continued that he and his family did not <br /> participate in any rebuttals or editorials. The <br /> Black Walnut Farm Subdivision was approved in <br /> February 1995 and the stipulations had already <br /> been reviewed by Mr. Yuhasz. He noted that the <br /> cost that will be incurred by his development for <br /> the paving will be $2600.00 per lot and, even <br /> though they did not like it, they will abide by <br /> the stipulation regarding paving if they can <br /> afford it. The loss of prime real estate by <br /> moving the road is one and one-third acres to <br /> move the road away from an historical structure. <br /> He noted respect for the historical nature of the <br /> area and the neighbors. <br /> Mr. Roberts continued that in all of the <br /> discussion and disagreements regarding Black <br /> Walnut Farm, he, nor his family ever brought to <br /> the County's attention that there was a <br /> commercial operation at the Baldwin home. He <br /> noted it was a very nice operation and felt it <br /> should be allowed to continue. He felt Reba and <br /> Roses had a lot to offer to the community. He <br /> noted also that he was a commercial inspector and <br /> was well aware of the regulations that Reba and <br /> Roses must meet with regard to the Fire Code and <br /> Handicap Codes. <br /> Mr. Roberts noted that he represented twenty-five <br /> family members and what he wanted for his family <br /> and development is fairness and consistency. He <br /> felt it was not, by any means, fair that Black <br /> Walnut Farm should bear the burden of the total <br /> cost of moving and paving Baldwin Road. He felt <br /> it was for the public good and Ms. Baldwin should <br /> participate in the costs involved. He indicated <br /> that the total cost would be in excess of <br /> $50,000. He noted that the road was a shortcut <br /> for trucks going to Fox Hill Farm and other <br /> developments. He stated that his family did want <br /> the request for the Special Use Permit to be <br /> granted, but, asked that the Planning Board be <br /> fair and consistent. He noted that both would <br /> benefit, and it was only fair that both <br /> participate in the costs of moving and paving <br /> Baldwin Road. He emphasized again that he, nor <br /> his family, was responsible for bringing the <br /> issue of non-compliance of Reba and Roses to the <br /> Planning Department. He asked only for the <br /> fairness and consistency that the Planning Board <br /> provides for all of Orange County and what is <br /> expected by the public. <br />