Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> road so that it is entirely on the Roberts' <br /> property. This would occur prior to the creation <br /> of the tenth lot. <br /> Howie asked if this then would have to be a <br /> shared road because of the Special Use Permit <br /> and allowing for commercial use. The concern was <br /> with two driveways being created so close <br /> together. Waddell responded that it was to be <br /> public and the old road would be abandoned. Mr. <br /> Yuhasz continued that NCDOT would require that <br /> any connection between St. Mary's Road and the <br /> realignment of Baldwin Road be broken somewhere <br /> along the existing Baldwin Road right-of-way. <br /> Thus, one could not get from the current entrance <br /> to Baldwin Road to Reba and Roses on the existing <br /> Baldwin Road; but could on the realigned Baldwin <br /> Road. Waddell stated that since the paved road <br /> would abut Reba and Roses, it made sense that <br /> they would be able to use the paved road. <br /> Howie referred to discussion of Black Walnut Farm <br /> Subdivision regarding paving of the road 200 feet <br /> beyond the entrance to the subdivision. Waddell <br /> noted that was a condition of approval. Howie <br /> asked why it was to be paved 200 feet beyond the <br /> subdivision unless it was to be for the use of <br /> Reba and Roses. Laura Baldwin responded that her <br /> entrance was directly across from the <br /> subdivision. Waddell noted he remembered the <br /> discussion was in regard to protecting an <br /> historic structure. <br /> Laura Baldwin, owner of Reba and Roses, addressed <br /> the issue of the request for a Special Use <br /> Permit. She noted that the issue of the road does <br /> create confusion regarding the Special Use Permit <br /> but, she explained that there are two separate <br /> issues. <br /> Ms. Baldwin continued that the business of Reba <br /> and Roses is her home and she makes a concerted <br /> effort to fit the environment. She noted that <br /> people visiting the business asked how it <br /> happened and her response was that it came out of <br /> what was already there. She stated that she had <br /> taken the rural setting and created a lively <br /> economic entity while still maintaining the <br /> historic quality. She stated that her goal is to <br /> make a good thing of Reba and Roses while keeping <br /> the rural setting and quality. She noted that <br /> when she first applied for the permit, she <br /> anticipated being a nursery/greenhouse and a <br /> cottage industry ware with onsite artists <br />