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25 <br /> intent. She continued that one purpose may be <br /> because the use is to be tied with promoting the <br /> historic character of the area and to assure that <br /> the character is preserved. <br /> Price asked for clarification regarding the issue <br /> of Lawrence Road and Baldwin Road. Willis <br /> responded that the issue arose when the <br /> subdivision Black Walnut Farm was presented. <br /> There was discussion of realignment for a better <br /> configuration of the intersection. The attempt <br /> was to move Baldwin Road further from the <br /> historic structure. The issue has arisen again <br /> because Reba and Roses uses Baldwin Road for <br /> access. Willis emphasized that that access would <br /> continue even if there was some alignment of <br /> Baldwin Road. <br /> Price expressed concern with the increase of <br /> traffic with the growth of the business. Willis <br /> responded that with the Special Use Permit there <br /> would not be an expansion of the business. <br /> Barrows asked if the road was to be paved to the <br /> entrance of Black Walnut Farm when that <br /> subdivision was presented. Willis responded that <br /> before the last phase of the subdivision could be <br /> done, the right-of-way must be dedicated and the <br /> road paved. She continued that Staff was <br /> attempting to build in some flexibility until <br /> such time as NCDOT may be involved in paving the <br /> road and also to allow some flexibility in terms <br /> of obtaining right-of-way for the realignment of <br /> Lawrence Road. Before the entire subdivision, 25 <br /> lots are created, there would have to be some <br /> resolution in terms of road construction. <br /> Barrows asked if the Planning Board had included <br /> that as a condition of approval. Willis <br /> responded that a condition in the Resolution of <br /> Approval did address that concern. <br /> Steve Yuhasz, surveyor, updated the Board on the <br /> realignment of Baldwin Road. He noted that the <br /> condition was that a commitment to pave the road <br /> in some location other than the current location <br /> after the creation of the ninth lot. There was a <br /> potential for the property on the south side of <br /> St. Mary's Road coming into the ownership of Mr. <br /> Reid Roberts which would have allowed the <br /> realignment. However, there is a new owner of <br /> that property and it is very unlikely that a <br /> realignment will occur. Thus, the condition the <br /> developer is working under is that the road be <br />