Orange County NC Website
FY2016-17 Southern Branch Library <br /> Future Possible re-design of Main Library interior for <br /> increased flexibility/adaptability to support current and <br /> future customer needs, services and technology <br /> Operations: <br /> FY2014-15 Full-time Library Communications Specialist <br /> Future Ongoing technology investment <br /> Future Ongoing investment in all formats of library collections <br /> Conclusion: <br /> Feedback and Q&A <br /> Lucinda Munger, referring to slide 7, Strategic Priority focus area #3, said there <br /> will be budgetary implications with the possible hiring of a full time communications <br /> specialist. She said this is currently a part time position, but the vision is to create a full <br /> time position within the next 3 years. This person would be responsible for marketing <br /> and communicating library services to the community. <br /> Lucinda Munger said once the Board selects a site, there will be a study of <br /> demographics regarding the population surrounding that site. This will help determine <br /> the services that will be offered and the square footage required for those services. <br /> She said the current formula for square footage is .7 square foot per capita. She said <br /> library space is becoming smaller but more adaptable. <br /> Lucinda Munger, discussing slide 1- Measuring our Success, said she would like <br /> to recruit an intern from the Library Sciences and Masters of Public Administration <br /> Program to analyze feedback and create a formal report for the Board and county <br /> manager, by June of 2014. <br /> She referred to the Yellow sheet as an example of the library website timeline <br /> updates. <br /> She noted that there is an update to the CIP amount, which is now $8,125,000. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked who would be reviewing the performance <br /> measurements. She suggested that these might evolve and should also be reviewed <br /> with the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Lucinda Munger said part of the charge for the community group would be to <br /> provide feedback to both staff and the Board on a regular basis. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked where staff is seeing the increase in involvement <br /> and activities. <br /> Lucinda Munger said the increase has primarily been in children's programs. <br /> She also noted that there have been no adult or teen programs until the past two years, <br /> and there has been some increase there as well. <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the priorities are in rank order. <br /> Lucinda Munger said staff feels all of the priorities are equally important. She <br /> said the most energy and time will be spent in community connection. <br /> Commissioner Price said she read that some libraries are having problems with <br /> getting e-books. <br /> Lucinda Munger said this is an issue for all libraries. She said their national <br /> association is working diligently with the publishing companies to work out a better <br /> arrangement than the current situation. She noted that a-books are much more <br /> expensive than paper books and these a-books are borrowed but not owned by the <br /> library. She said there is a large collection budget, and a-books have been added, <br /> though this is harder for smaller libraries. <br /> Commissioner McKee referred to page 15, priority 2, focus area 2, regarding <br /> provisional services at Northern Human Services Center. He said, considering the fact <br />