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would be hard to be spontaneous and quick to respond when seven different opinions <br /> are involved. <br /> Frank Clifton said the County needs some consistency. He said the <br /> constructive way to address this is to have a group of Commissioners volunteer to work <br /> with the PAO on any of these issues. He said Carla Banks has a lot of knowledge and <br /> will be excellent to work with. He questioned what role as a political leader the Board <br /> wants to have in the daily involvement of every department of County government. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said their share is not responsible for the town and it is <br /> about coordination. She said there are different opinions and the Board needs to <br /> decide what the majority wants. She said this position should stay in the manager's <br /> office. She does not want this position to become a competition amongst and between <br /> Commissioners. She said this is about County services. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the conversation was not about who should have taken <br /> the lead. She said, at the point of an emergency, the press releases did not work. She <br /> said that the Board needs to get together and decide what the Commissioners want <br /> Carla Banks' role to be. She said she does not want to micro-manage the PAO. She <br /> said there is a feeling that the Board does not have a connection to Carla Banks, and <br /> she is the voice of the Board of County Commissioners. She said there needs to be <br /> some dialogue. <br /> Commissioner Price said that emergencies fall under Emergency Services or <br /> the Sheriff, and what Carla Banks did was supportive and should be commended. <br /> She said her concerns with regard to image, were just that she wanted input into <br /> the final design. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there is just not good communication between the Board of <br /> County Commissioners and the PAO. He said he used the tweets as an example. <br /> He said when the Board passes a resolution about the logo, and then it does not get <br /> put into the logo presentation, he gets the message that there is a dis-connect. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that Commissioner Price had volunteered to work with PAO <br /> on the logo. He said this is a new department, and there needs to be a pathway. He <br /> said there is no mechanism for the Chair to sit down with PAO. He asked Carla Banks <br /> to look at the purpose to determine how she would feed the Board of County <br /> Commissioners into the process. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this issue is structural and not personal. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said it is important to do the strategic communications <br /> plan and it is clear this will not be done tonight. She said the current plan from 1999 <br /> has a paragraph under press releases that should be in the new plan. She read it as <br /> follows. "The staff should develop and implement methods for addressing fast <br /> breaking and/or potentially controversial public relations issues in a timely manner so <br /> that the County can be in a position to anticipate these situations and respond with an <br /> appropriate message quickly and effectively when dealing with matters that are <br /> controversial or fast breaking." <br /> She said there is also some good language in the current plan regarding <br /> coordination related to emergency services, and she thought it should be included in <br /> the new plan. She reviewed this language which said that there should be an "action <br /> plan for communications between and among the county departments, other <br /> governmental agencies, the media, and the public in times of crisis, such as natural <br /> disasters, evacuations, and other emergency situations. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that stating the intent to hire a public relations <br /> specialist should not be part of the plan. Instead, that is a method to implement the <br /> plan and should be part of the budget process. She said there needs to be a high <br /> priority on developing a strategic communications plan that takes into account the <br /> Board of County Commissioners' role. She said there is a difference between micro- <br /> management and having a high priority on the Board's role in setting policy. She said <br />