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to use the space; so she is not sure why accommodations are being made for a <br /> theater. <br /> Ken Redfoot said the stage is a Board of County Commissioners decision. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said the Board of Education has decided not to use the <br /> space, and the Town Board has not committed to using it. She said this is a venue for <br /> the Board of County Commissioners, and there is no need to provide a temporary <br /> stage. She said for the Parks and Recreation programs there is a need for an activity <br /> room, and she asked if the flex space could be used for this. <br /> She asked if there is any difference between a conference room and a flex <br /> space. <br /> Ken Redfoot said no. He said the driver of these flex spaces is the big space <br /> and its size. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the size of the flex spaces. <br /> Ken Redfoot said the flex spaces to the far left and right are approximately 800 <br /> square feet. He said the two down below are 1000 square feet on one side and 1200 <br /> square feet on the other. <br /> Commissioner McKee said this room and design accommodates their meeting <br /> room needs and can be adapted as needed. He said once the other potential users <br /> see the space their decision about use may change. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the cultural center did disband, but she knows <br /> people that are still interested in renting the facility for community use. She said she <br /> likes the plan, and she wants to keep the flex space. She would like to keep a <br /> placeholder for this. <br /> Jeff Thompson said there was a plan shown in February that had office space <br /> as part of a space study update. He said that there was a discussion in May about <br /> adding these spaces at a later date. He said it was also requested that staff reach out <br /> to the arts community, and the purpose of the flex space proposal is to leave that <br /> option open. <br /> Commissioner Price said the cultural center has been disbanded, but there are <br /> some members hanging on to the name and some of the funding. She said there are <br /> neighborhood groups who may want to use this space. She asked if the building would <br /> be open during the day. <br /> Chair Jacobs said it would be open if there are offices on the floor, it would be <br /> open. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked about the green space. She asked if this could be <br /> used for closed sessions. <br /> Frank Clifton answered yes, and he said this is a secure room. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she likes the adaptability of the space. She would like <br /> to leave space for a portable stage. She said this will all come in stages though. <br /> Chair Jacobs said Commissioner McKee's point is good. He feels that this <br /> space will likely get more use once it is built. He said the Board of Education had no <br /> information earlier in the process and thought there would be a charge to use the <br /> space, which led to the vote against it. He feels that this decision may change <br /> sometime down the line. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she has reservations about this plan. <br /> 4. Strategic Communications Plan/County Logo <br /> Carla Banks reviewed the proposed outline for the strategic communications <br /> plan. She said the outline is tied to the goals of the Board of County Commissioners as <br /> discussed in the February planning retreat, specifically goals 2, 3, and 4. She said she <br /> would like to determine which elements the Commissioners would like to keep, change, <br /> delete or add. <br />