Minutes 09-12-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 09-12-2013
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Last modified
10/16/2013 10:18:26 AM
Creation date
10/16/2013 10:13:42 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 09-12-2013 - Agenda
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Commissioner Rich asked why the Board should invest in sites with no <br /> guarantee that the town or the public want them. She would like to see more public <br /> comment first. She asked if staff is considering that Brewer Lane has close proximity <br /> to a lower-middle class neighborhood. <br /> Jeff Thompson said yes. He said this is true for Brewer Lane as well as Fidelity. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the Brewer site fits into a lot of criteria. She said she <br /> wants to keep this an urban library, and she keeps hearing this from others as well. Her <br /> current preference is for the Brewer Lane property. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she prefers the Brewer Lane site too; however <br /> there need to be multiple sites for the public to compare and discuss. She still has <br /> concerns about the Hillsborough Road site because this would require conditional use <br /> re-zoning. She noted that if Carrboro were building a library it would not need re- <br /> zoning, and she asked why Orange County has to have it. <br /> Jeff Thompson said when staff says yes to a site this is just part of the technical <br /> phase. He said the technical site overview is not just about engineering, but it also <br /> includes planning and zoning, and it takes about 60 days. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he has no particular objections to any of these sites. <br /> He does have a concern about the Brewer site's lack of visibility and accessibility. He <br /> also has a concern about the shift in the discussion from building a County library for <br /> Orange County residents in the southern part of the County, to a focus on building a <br /> Carrboro town library. <br /> Commissioner Price said her concerns are similar to Commissioner McKee's. <br /> She thought this was for the southwest region of the County. She said, when it is time <br /> for public input, all of the sites need to be presented, along with the applicable pros and <br /> cons. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she does not think the Brewer site is a problem. She <br /> said her intention is to build a County branch library in an urban setting in Carrboro. <br /> She feels this is a unique setting, and it is a step in the progression of what a branch <br /> library should look like. She feels this should be brought back to the public before <br /> spending $15,000 on a site that may not be used. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the Fidelity Street site is owned by Carrboro. He asked if <br /> Carrboro intends to give it to the county. <br /> Frank Clifton said the town board has not officially said that, but it is on the table <br /> for consideration. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the county has three sites and then one that needs <br /> Carrboro's collaboration. He this means there are multiple options to take to the public. <br /> He said there are some urban and some suburban. He said that it may turn out that <br /> one site is superior, but this cannot be pre-determined. He said, bringing people to <br /> Brewer Lane will enhance the economic development in Carrboro, which will benefit <br /> Orange County. <br /> Chair Jacobs said, if there are too many sites, this will confuse people. He said <br /> the County has set expectation levels too high in the past with regard to what kind of <br /> facility this will be. He said the Board wants to be clear that the County is not going to <br /> duplicate the Chapel Hill library. He said the goal is to establish a library that serves <br /> the southwest portion of the county and does not duplicate either central library. He <br /> said these criteria should be established before this goes to the public so that there are <br /> realistic expectations. <br /> Chair Jacobs reviewed the Boards' thoughts thus far. He said there are 3 sites <br /> that need to be investigated. He said the library is to be a branch library and public <br /> expectations need to be tamped down to a realistic level. He said it needs to be <br /> stressed that this library is to serve a specific segment of Orange County. <br /> Frank Clifton clarified that all of these sites were recommended by the Town of <br /> Carrboro. <br />
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