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THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Orange County Board of County Commissioners, on <br /> behalf of the Orange County community, congratulates these young women and men who worked <br /> diligently and received the Sankofa Award over the past six years, and looks forward to continued <br /> excellence in achievement among all Orange County students. <br /> This, the 5th day of September 2013. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to approve a <br /> resolution commending the Northern Orange Education Task Force, its founders and the Sankofa Award <br /> recipients and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> *ADDITION TO THE AGENDA: <br /> c. Economic Development Project— Morinaga —Japanese Confectionary Company <br /> Frank Clifton said this is a significant achievement for Orange County. He provided a green print <br /> out of the top ten taxpayers in Orange County in 2011. He noted that the top two are privately owned, and <br /> he said this new company will be number three. <br /> He noted that there is a planned second phase for the company. He said this is only 20 acres out <br /> of 700 acres that have been re-zoned for commercial development in the Buckhorn EDD. He said the <br /> company has the potential to produce $100 million in asset valuation in Orange County. <br /> Steve Brantley introduced Ellen Tai from his department and noted that she came from Department <br /> of Commerce and speaks fluent Mandarin Chinese. He recognized Yvonne Scarlett from his office, as <br /> well as staff from the planning department. <br /> He presented the following PowerPoint slides and information: <br /> �°°ran of <br /> II //A% <br /> MORINAGA & CO., LTD. MORINIAGA <br /> Summary of Project Rainbow's 2012 -2013 Recruitment to Orange County <br /> Presentation to the Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br /> September 5, 2013 <br /> Purpose: <br /> • Summarize Orange County's successful recruitment of the world-class Japanese confectionary & <br /> candy maker, Morinaga & Co., Ltd., and its' USA subsidiary Morinaga America, Inc., which has <br /> selected a light manufacturing site in the Buckhorn Economic Development District for the firm's <br /> first American manufacturing operation. <br /> • Review the company's plans to produce their "Hi-Chew" candy product, invest $48 million in a <br /> new, construct a state-of-the-art 120,000 sq. ft. clean USDA-spec manufacturing facility, and create <br /> 90 - 120 new career opportunities with competitive salaries, health and retirement benefits for our <br /> residents. <br /> • Describe the extensive efforts made by Orange County, the City of Mebane, the State of North <br /> Carolina, and other key players, following 11 separate visits by the company and its consultant to <br /> Orange County over the previous 19 months, and how we eventually won "Project Rainbow" <br /> throughout a highly competitive, multi-state site selection process. <br />