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Tier 3 includes a Peer Advisor/Conflict Mediator's Room (200 sq. ft.), counselors' <br /> offices larger than the 150 square feet required (150 sq. ft.), a reception/waiting area (100 <br /> sq. ft.), additional group counseling area (250 sq. ft.), additional testing/conference area <br /> (100 sq. ft.), offices for psychologist, social worker and speech therapist (150 sq. ft.), an <br /> office for the nurse (150 sq. ft.), and additional health space including additional space <br /> for a cot area, reception area and toilet in the health suite (350 sq ft.) One toilet is <br /> required but is included in the overall circulation of the building. <br /> 10. Staff Support Areas Basic School - 1,800 sq. ft. <br /> Tier 1 - Add 2,000 sq. ft. <br /> Tier 3 - Add 2,000 sq. ft. <br /> The State recommends that combined or shared space for teacher's offices/workspace be <br /> provided. There should be at least one centralized workroom that houses equipment such <br /> as the copy machine, duplicator, specialized computers, etc. The size of the lounge area <br /> is determined by the building plan and faculty size. The lounge should provide limited <br /> kitchen facilities. Included in the Basic School is one workspace for each grade (450 sq. <br /> ft. each) and a teacher's lounge (450 sq. ft.). Tier 1 includes additional workspace for <br /> teachers, including offices and conference rooms. Tier 3 includes additional conference <br /> rooms and teacher workspace. Note that the square footage for Tiers 1 and 3 are based on <br /> the space identified for the professional staff for the elementary school. <br /> Workgroup NC Public School Facility Standards <br /> Recommendation (S q. Ft). <br /> (Sq. Ft) <br /> Teachers' Workrooms: 1,350 For grades 4 and above, 80 to 100 square <br /> feet per teacher is required. <br /> Teachers 450 required but size varies according to the <br /> Lounge/Workarea facility and other additional space. <br /> Tier 2 includes additional offices and workspace for teachers totaling 2,000 square feet. <br /> Tier 3 includes additional workrooms, offices and conference space. <br /> 11. Cafeteria/Food Service Basic School - 5,240 sq. ft. <br /> The State uses a formula for determining the appropriate size for the dining room and <br /> kitchen area The dining area should provide between 12 and 14 square feet per pupil <br /> dining. Based on three Beatings, the size of the dining room should be at a minimum <br /> Page 16 <br />