Orange County NC Website
9ez <br />David L. Andrews <br />Town Manager <br />Town of Carrboro <br />301 W. Main Street <br />Carrboro, NC 27510 <br />Attachment D <br />ORAT,-TGE COUN r <br />HILLSBOROUGH <br />NORTH CAROLINA <br />April 26, 2012 <br />Re: Orange County Participation with the Town of Carrboro Regarding <br />CDBG Small Business Entrepreneurial Grant Assistance <br />Mr. Andrews: <br />n.&ZK. eol'17.i2 <br />I am pleased to report that on April 17, 2012, the Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners approved a joint participation with the Town of Carrboro to cost share the local <br />portion match of the CDBG application. This State application seeks funding for infrastructure <br />upgrades to one of Carrboro's vital business districts. Our Board is extremely pleased to <br />partner with Carrboro in your CDBG application with the North Carolina Department of <br />Commerce's Community Investment and Assistance Division, and has approved funding our <br />portion of the 50/50 share of the 30% local match being proposed. Orange County desires to <br />cap our estimated split at half the local share, up to $40,000 to allow some flexibility. We will <br />jointly develop an M.O.U. to formalize this commitment. <br />With the overall goal to repair a critical sewer line that is failing along the 100 E. Main <br />Street area of downtown Carrboro, and thereby retain the vital employment of 140 employees <br />and the 22 businesses located there, Orange County is enthusiastic to assist the Town of <br />Carrboro in this funding partnership. Our Board understands that without these grant dollars <br />for public sewer to this vital area of your downtown, these business may have to close and the <br />existing jobs lost, given the uncertainty of this failing sewer line's continued service. <br />As the Town of Carrboro's CDBG Small Business Entrepreneurial Grant Assistance <br />application moves forward with the State review, I offer any assistance from our Orange County <br />Economic Development department, and its director, Steve Brantley. In conclusion, Orange <br />County looks forward to working closely with you and your staff to seek a favorable funding <br />resolution to this sewer line issue. <br />Best wishes, <br />Frank . Clifton, Jr. <br />Oran e County Manager <br />AREA CODE (919) 245 -2300 0 688.7331 - FAX (919) 644 -3004 <br />Ext. 2300 <br />