Orange County NC Website
Staff Responses /Actions <br />➢ Proceed to install more permanent canopy (that also includes a raised platform with anti - <br />fatigue /slip mat surface) adjacent to compactors that will shade and shelter center <br />attendants. A 110 volt line will be extended so that fans can be provided to cool staff during <br />the summer. Cost of three 6'X8' metal canopies (matching other metal structures on site), <br />including the extension of 110 volt power, the platform, etc. is estimated to be $8,494. <br />➢ Obtain a modified golf cart that can be used to quickly move to a disposal or recycling station <br />and address customer questions, enforce material separation rules, haul trash from the <br />salvage shed, monitor various material stations, collect litter and clean up spillage, or even to <br />use toilet facilities, etc. The site is so large that coverage of the entire site by walking is not <br />practicable and an attendant is unable to leave compactors unattended for any length of time. <br />Will include in FY 2014/15 budget request. Estimated cost of electric cart is $10,700 <br />➢ Acquire a storage shelter ( 16'X20') for storage of the skid steer and implements, lawnmower, <br />spill absorbent, bags of lime and other tools or equipment. Estimated cost is $5,068. <br />➢ As part of FY 2014/15 budget process, coordinate staff analysis with Human Resources to <br />consider replacement of existing contract HHW employee and frequent third temporary <br />convenience center operator with one permanent Sanitation Division staff, who would be <br />certified to manage daily HHW program. <br />➢ Proceed to identify, obtain and begin distribution of approved compostable plastic food waste <br />bags to food waste program users so that they may more easily and sanitarily store and <br />deliver their food waste to the center food waste receptacle. <br />➢ Consider recommendation for permanent canopy for HHW receiving area in FY 2014/15 <br />budget. <br />➢ Acquire two additional compactor containers for storage of bulky waste at original price of <br />$16,196. Consider a second bulky waste compactor in the FY 2014/15 budget as current <br />project budget balance cannot fully fund a new compactor at this time. <br />Estimated cost of current year planned improvements is $29,758. Staff is available to provide additional <br />information as necessary. <br />4 <br />