Orange County NC Website
Page 1 of 1 <br />Sully Jaffer <br />Volunteer Application <br />Orange County Advisory Boards and Commissions <br />Name: <br />Name Called: <br />Home Address: <br />Phone (Day): <br />Phone (Evening) <br />Phone (Cell): <br />Email: <br />Place of Employment: <br />Job Title: <br />Year of OC Residence: <br />Township of Residence: <br />Zone of Residence: <br />Sex: <br />Ethnic Background: <br />Ms Sully Jaffer <br />600 West Poplar Avnue, Apt 224 <br />Carrboro NC 27510 <br />919- 928 -0934 <br />919- 928 -0934 <br />sjaffer2 <br />Retired <br />Legal and Administrative Assistant <br />1999 <br />Chapel Hill <br />Carrboro City Limits <br />Female <br />Caucasian <br />Boards /Commissions applied for: <br />Affordable Housing Advisory Board <br />I was involved in real estate for a long time as an investor, mortage and real <br />estate broker which I would bring to this board. Affordable Housing is real <br />estate related and my background will help to develop /or investigate an <br />alternative to affordable housing. <br />Community Activities /Organizational Memberships: <br />Seymour Senior Center, RSVP <br />Past Service on Orange County Advisory Boards: <br />Other Comments: <br />STAFF COMMENTS: Originally (07/08/2013) applied for Affordable Housing Advisory <br />Board. ADDRESS VERIFICATION: 600 West Poplar Avenue, Apt. 224, is Chapel Hill <br />Township, Carrboro Jursidiction, and Carrboro City Limits. <br />This application was current on: 7/8/2013 11:15:25 AM Date Printed: 10/10/2013 <br />