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K <br />Attachments <br />Attachment 1 is the list of project priorities submitted to TARPO and DCHC MPO for the last <br />STIP development and project prioritization iteration in 2011. Attachments 2 and 5 are draft <br />resolutions for the BOCC to approve /endorse with the OUTBoard- approved project priority lists <br />to submit to the DCHC MPO and TARPO for scoring /ranking and for consideration of inclusion <br />in DCHC MPO's Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP) and TARPO's <br />regional priority list, and by extension, the STIP. Attachments 3 and 6 contain more detailed <br />descriptions of each project, each project's history of previous consideration or ranking, and <br />staff's prioritization recommendation for projects proposed within each planning area. <br />Attachments 4 and 7 are maps depicting the locations of these projects within each MPO /RPO <br />planning area within Orange County. <br />Background Information on STIP Development: <br />For background information on the State's STIP development process, the State's newly <br />adopted Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) Act, the State's Strategic Mobility Formula <br />(SMF) developed as part of the STI legislation, and the State's revised /updated scoring <br />methodology that institutes major changes to the inputs and weights used to rank projects for <br />consideration and inclusion in the STIP, please reference the abstract for the resolution to <br />endorse Orange County's priority transportation projects within the BGMPO planning area staff <br />prepared for the BOCC's September 17, 2013, meeting. That abstract is accessible using the <br />following weblink: http: / / orange /occlerks /130917.pdf <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no immediate financial impact associated with this item except <br />that projects specifically categorized as bicycle and pedestrian projects will require a 20 percent <br />local match from the County and will require the County to expend any costs related to project <br />management and administration. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Interim Manager recommends that the Board approve /endorse <br />the resolutions (Attachments 2 and 5) to submit priority transportation projects to the DCHC <br />MPO and TARPO. <br />