Orange County NC Website
scoring and ranking through both Orange County's and the MPO's /RPO's ranking processes <br />(Attachment 1). For the TARPO project priority list (Attachment 3), all projects that were <br />submitted in 2011 were carried forward to the current priority list, and two (2) new projects that <br />were not submitted in 2011 were added to the list and prioritized as top projects. One of these <br />projects (NC 54 widening) is a completely new highway project not previously submitted that is <br />recommended in the newly adopted Orange County Comprehensive Transportation Plan <br />(OCCTP). The other project (Efland -Cedar Grove Road improvements), also recommended in <br />the OCCTP, was previously submitted for prioritization iterations before 2011, but was removed <br />from that priority list before submission to TARPO and is now being added again for <br />consideration. <br />These two (2) projects were added to the top of the list because they are both OCCTP- <br />recommended projects and are likely to score higher against the State's prioritization scoring <br />criteria giving them a greater chance of being funded and included in the 2016 -2022 STIP. The <br />other four (4) projects were shifted down to priorities 3 -6 because they are not likely to score as <br />well for consideration in the 2016 -2022 STIP as a result of not having added capacity impacts <br />and not as much of an impact on safety to users as the other two (2) projects. Attachment 4 is a <br />map depicting the locations of the draft project priorities for those projects within TARPO's <br />planning area. <br />For the DCHC MPO project priority list (Attachment 6), all except one of the projects that was <br />submitted in 2011 were carried forward to this priority list. Three (3) projects that were not <br />submitted in 2011 were added to the list — NC 54 widening from Neville Road to Old Fayetteville <br />Road, 1 -40 widening from the 1- 40/1 -85 interchange to the Durham County line, and 1 -85 <br />widening from the 1- 40/1 -85 interchange to the Durham County line. The NC 54 widening project <br />is a continuation of the recommended NC 54 widening project in the draft TARPO project priority <br />list, while the 1 -40 and 1 -85 widening projects were not included in previous County priority lists, <br />but are projects that have already been included in the STIP and are of statewide significance <br />that will be scored regardless of Orange County's submission. These two widening projects are <br />likely to score higher than many of the other projects recommended for submission. <br />The general grouping order of staff - suggested and OUTBoard-recom mended project ranking in <br />the DCHC MPO priority list is- <br />1 ) Added capacity /mobility projects of local significance; <br />2) Added capacity /mobility projects of statewide /regional significance; <br />3) Transit/rail projects; <br />4) Roadway modernization /bikeway projects of local significance exceeding $1,000,000; <br />and a <br />5) Pedestrian project (the pedestrian project was prioritized last because it would require a <br />20% local match that the County has not indicated it would provide). <br />This ranking strategy developed by staff intends to optimize scoring output and corresponding <br />funding probability for the subject projects in the face of the contributing factors to such output of <br />State scoring, funding tier eligibility, and projects' necessity for reliance on local input points to <br />be funded. Attachment 7 is a map depicting the locations of the draft project priorities for those <br />projects within the DCHC MPO planning area. <br />