Orange County NC Website
Attachment 5: Resolution Endorsing Projects for the DCHC MPO Transportation <br />Improvement Program <br />RES- 2013 -080 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION ENDORSING ORANGE COUNTY'S PRIORITY TRANSPORTATION PROJECTS <br />FOR THE DURHAM - CHAPEL HILL - CARRBORO METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION <br />(DCHC MPO) REGIONAL PRIORITY LIST FOR THE 2016 — 2022 TRANSPORTATION <br />IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina Board of Transportation (BOT), every two years, prepares a Statewide <br />Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) that identifies transportation projects to be implemented <br />over the next seven years with State and Federal funding; and <br />WHEREAS, the North Carolina BOT solicits input for identifying transportation projects of local and <br />regional importance to be included in the FY 2016 -2022 STIP; and <br />WHEREAS, the DCHC MPO Transportation Advisory Committee is charged with the development of <br />a Metropolitan Transportation Improvement Program (MTIP); and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County is a member jurisdiction of the DCHC MPO; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County gives priority to identified safety needs on existing roads and bridges, to <br />transportation projects that encourage alternatives to automobile travel, to projects that minimize <br />adverse impacts on the natural environment and cultural sites, and to those projects that foster <br />economic development in the County's designated Economic Development Districts; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County strongly encourages the North Carolina Department of Transportation <br />( NCDOT) to design all highway projects, where appropriate, to accommodate bicycle and pedestrian <br />traffic to provide alternative means of transportation that may result in reduced automobile traffic and <br />related air and water impacts; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County encourages the NCDOT to design all new or replacement bridges with <br />sufficient clearance to allow wildlife to cross safely under them, and to allow pedestrian passage along <br />any existing or planned trail- system connectors; and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County has outlined its transportation needs within the DCHC MPO planning <br />area in an attachment to this resolution; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Orange County Board of Commissioners that the <br />Board endorses the following prioritized list of transportation projects to be considered for the FY <br />2016 -2022 DCHC MPO MTIP. <br />South Churton Street (Old NC 86) Improvements: Widen South Churton Street (SR 1009) from <br />1 -40 to U.S. 70 Business to multiple lanes with congestion management, limited access, <br />bicycle and pedestrian, and aesthetic improvements. <br />This project will be submitted as a reprioritized highway project to be considered for inclusion <br />in the DCHC MPO MTIP as well as the 2016 -2022 STIP. <br />15 <br />