Orange County NC Website
13 <br />Attachment 3: Draft Triangle Area Regional Planning Organization ( TARPO) Project Priority List <br />2) The following projects within the TARPO planning area portion of Orange County are currently in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program ISTIPI: <br />a) Construct four (4) -foot paved shoulders along a five (5) -mile segment on Orange Grove Road from NC 54 to Arthur Minnis Road. This project is programmed in the STIP to be constructed in 2018; however, <br />because the project is programmed for construction after July 2015, it will be subject to reprioritization under the newly adopted SPOT 3.0 process and is listed as a bike project with a total project cost of <br />$500,000. <br />b) Feasibility study for Dairyland Road paved shoulders project. <br />c) Construct paved shoulders and rumble strips and make geometric improvements on NC 86 from NC 57 to the Caswell County line a total length of 12.2 miles. This project is underway and is expected to be <br />completed by the end of October 2013. <br />