Orange County NC Website
13 <br />3. Provide recommendations for design and construction of the proposed roadway. <br />4. Prepare engineering reports, in NCDOT format and issued as an Inventory <br />Report and Recommendations Report. <br />Environmental Report <br />1. The environmental reporting includes stream and wetland delineations, <br />threatened and endangered species and contacting the offices of State Historic <br />Preservation Office (SHPO). <br />2. The environmental reporting includes the property bounded by Ben Wilson Road <br />on the west and extending 2,500 feet to the east, extending approximately 200 <br />feet south of Interstate 85 right of way. The report will also include the corridors <br />for the water line and sewer line routes. <br />3. Conduct field delineation for jurisdictional waters /wetlands on site. <br />4. Mark all features that exhibit characteristics of waters /wetlands with plastic <br />surveyor's flagging, to be located by the surveyor. <br />5. Upon completion of the delineation, prepare and submit required necessary <br />documentation for verification by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( USACE) and <br />N.C. Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ). Included is a one day site verification <br />visit with USACE and NCDWQ. <br />6. Prepare a report that contains the findings, conclusions and permitting <br />requirements for the project. <br />7. Prepare a preliminary Threatened and Endangered (T & E) Survey through the <br />North Carolina Natural Heritage Database and summarize in a letter report. If <br />species of concern are identified, a detailed survey of the area may be required. <br />A detailed study for Threatened and Endangered Species are not included in this <br />scope of work. <br />8. Submit necessary site information to SHPO for review and comment about <br />potential historic properties /structures within the project site boundaries. <br />9. Prepare environmental report to accompany CDBG funding application. <br />