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20 <br />Attachment #4 <br />e• °� o <br />MORINAGA & CO., LTD. AWRINAGA <br />Summary of Orange County's Recruitment of Morinaga America Foods, Inc. <br />Presentation to the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br />Public Hearing on an Economic Development Incentive <br />October 15, 2013 <br />Highlights: <br />• Summarizes Orange County's successful recruitment of the world -class Japanese confectionary & candy <br />maker, Morinaga & Co., Ltd., and its' USA subsidiary Morinaga America, Inc. which has selected a light <br />manufacturing site in the Buckhorn Economic Development District for the firm's first American <br />manufacturing operation. <br />• Outlines the company's plans to produce their "Hi- Chew" candy product, invest $48 million in a new, <br />construct a state -of- the -art 120,000 sq. ft. clean USDA -spec manufacturing facility, and create 90 - 120 <br />new career opportunities with competitive salaries, health and retirement benefits for our residents. <br />• Describes the extensive efforts made by Orange County, the City of Mebane, the State of North Carolina, <br />and other key players, following 11 separate visits by the company and its consultant to Orange County <br />over the previous 19 months, and how we eventually won "Project Rainbow" throughout a highly <br />competitive, multi -state site selection process. <br />• Identifies the specific site location, the required infrastructure to the property, the financial obligations <br />and funding resources to fully develop the site, and local and state incentives. <br />• Notes the transformative effect regarding the County's successful recruitment of Morinaga America <br />Foods, Inc. and how that success story illustrates Orange County's efforts to diversify our local economy <br />and tax base, and create more and better jobs for our residents. Shows how the Board of County <br />Commissioners' commitment to preparing our Economic Development Zones with utilities, zoning, <br />incentives, and thoughtful use of the quarter cent sales tax for economic development, has proven to be a <br />winning formula for the long term. And, highlights the public's commitment to economic development <br />via its favorable vote on the quarter cent sales tax. <br />Company Description: <br />• Morinaga & Co., which was founded 114 years ago in 1899 in Tokyo, Japan, is a major international <br />confectionary & candy maker. With $1.75 billion in global sales revenue, comprised of 53% in chocolates, <br />caramel & biscuits, 19% in ice cream & frozen foodstuffs, 16% in health products, and 12% in cocoa /cake <br />mix foodstuffs, the firm is Asia's equivalent to a Hershey's, Mars or Nestle. <br />