Orange County NC Website
Attachment #3 19 <br />PUBLICATION INSTRUCTION: Please publish the following notice in the Special <br />Notice Section of the Classified Advertisements on Wednesday, October 2, 2013. <br />The County Seal should be placed above the announcement. <br />�t �J <br />PUBLIC HEARING <br />Tuesday, October 15, 2013 <br />SOUTHERN HUMAN SERVICES CENTER <br />2501 Homestead Road <br />Chapel Hill, NC 27516 <br />Notice of Public Hearing Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 158 -7.1 (d) on the issuance <br />of economic development incentives to a private company — The Orange County Board of <br />Commissioners will hold a public hearing on the County's proposed conveyance of a <br />"performance- based" economic development incentive to a private company, as required by the <br />Local Government Act, North Carolina General Statute 158 -7.1 (d). The County Board of <br />Commissioners intends, subject to public comment at the public hearing for which notice is hereby <br />given, to approve conveyance of the incentive agreement, with claw back provisions, for the <br />recruitment of Morinaga America Foods, Inc. to Orange County, N.C. The Inducement Grant is for a <br />period of 5 years, and shall not exceed $1,545,000 which is the inducement amount based on a <br />$48,000,000 investment by the Company. Funding for the incentive will come from fund balances <br />on hand, and projected ad valorum taxes paid by the Company. The Company proposes to invest <br />at least $34 million in a new production facility, and create at least 90 new jobs. The hearing will <br />begin at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, October 15, 2013, and will be held at Southern Human Services <br />Center, 2501 Homestead Road, Chapel Hill. Further information can be obtained by contacting <br />Donna Baker at (919) 245 -2130. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals <br />needing special accommodations (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) during the <br />hearing should notify Donna Baker at (919) 245 -2130 at least three days prior to the hearing that <br />will be attended. <br />