Orange County NC Website
10 <br />County staff and elected officials received comments during development of the <br />Comprehensive Plan (2008) and Unified Development Ordinance (2011) about the <br />perceived need to streamline and speed up decisions on applications. <br />Analysis <br />The topic of amending the current quarterly public hearing process has recently been <br />brought up as part of the work on "Agricultural Support Enterprises" (ASE) because <br />the pre -2010 ASE work included a different approval process for ASE - related <br />projects. The September 9, 2013 BOCC work session (held at the end of the <br />quarterly public hearing) materials contain more information about this <br />topic: http:// orangecountync .gov /occierks /130909.pdf, including staff's concern about <br />having a different review process for only certain projects. The purpose of the work <br />session was to obtain BOCC input/direction on the public hearing process, which <br />staff received. There is not total agreement among BOCC members that the current <br />process should be changed. However, a majority of the BOCC directed staff to bring <br />forward proposed changes for public hearing and consideration. <br />At this time, staff is considering the following changes to the public hearing process: <br />• End the quarterly hearings and instead have the BOCC designate a minimum of 8 <br />regular meetings per year where Comprehensive Plan, UDO, and Zoning Atlas <br />amendments and applications for Class A Special Use Permits can be heard. The 8 <br />meetings (minimum) would be designated each Fall when the BOCC approves its <br />meeting schedule for the following calendar year. <br />Stop holding the public hearings as joint hearings with the Planning Board. The <br />Planning Board is an advisory board comprised of volunteers and there are <br />sometimes issues of having a quorum of members present for hearings /meetings. A <br />joint hearing cannot occur without a quorum of members from both Boards. Staff <br />intends to propose that the Planning Board provide a recommendation to the BOCC <br />after the public hearing. This would allow Planning Board members to either attend <br />the public hearing or view the hearing on the internet in order to hear public <br />comments prior to making a recommendation. Flow charts showing the current <br />process and the process staff intends to propose are included at the end of this Form. <br />It should be noted that staff is suggesting that the policy of having the BOCC approve <br />the required legal advertisement would be removed as part of the streamlining effort. <br />• Staff is researching whether the number of public hearings items and /or anticipated <br />time required can be limited on any one agenda in an effort to ensure land use /zoning <br />issues do not dominate a particular BOCC meeting agenda. <br />As staff indicated at the work session, Orange County's typical review timeframe in <br />recent years (4 -5 months from application deadline to BOCC decision) compares <br />favorably to other North Carolina local governments. One of the more significant <br />differences is that most local governments in North Carolina have a monthly public <br />hearing cycle rather than the quarterly cycle Orange County adheres to. <br />It is also notable that the current process was put into place at least 20 years ago <br />2 <br />