<br />Table 1. Scope of Work Associated with the UNRBA Nutrient Project (Credits, Tool, and Framework Issues)
<br />�� Cardno
<br />ENTR /X
<br />Shaping the Future
<br />TASK 1 - Literature review d database development
<br />1.1 Project Preparation /Support Tasks
<br />Budget
<br />Total
<br />Hours
<br />a. Identify and Recommend attributes and quality levels based on CWP existing protocols; Identify metrics to qualify Tier 1, 2, 3 measures
<br />(include discussions with UNRBA/DWR, recognizing this translation to Tiers may change as the project progresses), Develop webinar for
<br />UNRBA/DWR to discuss; Implement revised database structure
<br />$9,841
<br />73
<br />b. Background research to develop surrey to evaluate implementation potential for measures (e.g. key stakeholder groups such as NRCS,
<br />WOC, LG stormwater departments, DWR)
<br />$9,358
<br />65
<br />c. GIS analysis (geology, stream networks, subbasins, etc.)
<br />$1,160
<br />12
<br />d. Develop and incorporate trapping /transformations in impoundments and streams
<br />$13,200
<br />122
<br />e. Draft summary; incorporate comments; finalize summary of trapping
<br />$2,720
<br />22
<br />Subtotal - Task 1.1
<br />$36,278
<br />294
<br />1.2 Screening Level Literature Review - 55 BMPs
<br />a. Review and confirm list of 55 BMPs to review with UNRBA (e.g. clarify types of measures, add specifics needed to isolate a single measure)
<br />$1,066
<br />8
<br />b. Preliminary research and data collection for 55 BMPs (literature review of peer and non -peer literature and other data sources)
<br />$12,070
<br />89
<br />c. Populate database with a subset of key attributes for each nutrient reduction measure
<br />$3,984
<br />30
<br />d. Assess quality of existing and new data sources
<br />$2,452
<br />18
<br />e. Develop survey to evaluate implementation potential for measures (e.g. key stakeholder groups such as NRCS, WOC, LG stormwater
<br />departments, DWR)
<br />$2,382
<br />21
<br />f. Describe survey and instructions at a UNRBA BOD meeting (invite additional survey participants to meeting as needed)
<br />$1,450
<br />10
<br />g. Implement survey tool and compile results
<br />$3,224
<br />24
<br />h. Analyze survey and screening level database to identify 20 to 25 priority nutrient reduction measures
<br />$7,801
<br />58
<br />i. Draft memo with recommendations for categorizing 55 measures:1) High priority (quality data likely meets Tier 3 conditions), 2) Medium
<br />priority (e.g., requires additional data or expert elicitation /good implementation potential), and 3) Low Priority (e.g., lack of data to evaluate and
<br />low implementation potential).
<br />$8,594
<br />66
<br />j. Webinarto present draft list of priority BMPs (including those requiring expert elicitation) and discuss with UNRBA /DWR
<br />$1,040
<br />8
<br />k. Incorporate input from UNRBA/DWR and finalize list of priority BMPs
<br />$2,132
<br />16
<br />I. Finalize documentation and include in Task 1 memo
<br />$3,805
<br />28
<br />Subtotal - Task 1.2
<br />$50,000
<br />376
<br />1.3 Develop Database for Priority Measures
<br />a. Additional research to complete database for 20 -25 priority measures
<br />$10,536
<br />76
<br />b. Develop expert elicitation survey (e.g., SWCD, NSAB BMP subcommittee, DWR) survey to fill in gaps where needed (local conditions,
<br />effectiveness, etc.)
<br />$7,610
<br />52
<br />c. Solicit input during NSAB BMP subcommittee meeting to elicit expert opinion; invite additional experts to meeting as needed
<br />$1,040
<br />8
<br />d. Modify database based on expert elicitation
<br />$2,830
<br />21
<br />