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Attachment 1 3 <br />Instructions to Firms Submitting Qualifications <br />for the Upper Neuse River Basin Association (UNRBA) <br />Nutrient Credit Study and Credit Tool Development Project <br />Thank you for agreeing to submit qualifications for the UNRBA's Nutrient Credit Study and Credit Tool Development <br />Project. The UNRBA plans to supplement the work of the Jordan Lake Nutrient Science Advisory Board regarding credit <br />development in order to provide communities subject to nutrient management strategies an expanded list of Best <br />Management Practices (BMPs), or tools, to achieve their respective reduction goals. At this time, the UNRBA's technical <br />steering committee, the Path Forward Committee, is seeking qualifications from environmental engineering firms to <br />perform this work. <br />The UNRBA's technical steering committee is seeking short qualifications packages from selected firms identified by our <br />member governments. The technical steering committee will recommend to the UNRBA Board the development of a <br />contract to one firm, or team, to perform the desired tasks. Qualifications packages will be ranked based on the <br />experience and expertise of the key staff members and that of the firm or team. <br />At this point in the project development, a specific project scope is unavailable. Therefore, we are unable to provide you <br />with the detailed information to develop a comprehensive project proposal, schedule or definitive project cost. However, <br />the technical steering committee will be developing cost and schedule information in order to establish a definitive project <br />scope and, in consultation with the selected service provider, the contractual conditions necessary to complete this work. <br />Firms are being asked to develop preliminary, screening level cost estimates and schedules indicating a prospective upper <br />and lower bounds of these components to complete the two project tasks. These estimates do not need to be exact and, if <br />you are awarded the contract, you will not be held to these cost estimates when a contract is developed. <br />This Qualifications package should contain the following information: <br />1. Cover Letter <br />2. Project Leader and key project staff in an organization chart. This chart should identify the location and firm of <br />each key staff member. <br />3. Resumes of Key Staff, with relevant experience, highlighting your team's background in review and synthesis of <br />research literature, and development of statistics on that info; BMP design; BMP monitoring and evaluation for <br />nutrient performance; and development of engineering methods, formulas, modeling to describe BMP nutrient <br />performance. Resumes should include the percent of time the proposed staff member is available for this project. <br />Individual resumes should not exceed 1 page. <br />4. Firm and Team Experience with structural BMP design, management, performance, and installation. Please <br />include the Firm's background relative to nutrient reductions associated with structural and non - structural BMPs, <br />and developing regulatory credits for BMPs. <br />5. Preliminary Cost Estimates and Schedules for the following hypothetical tasks: <br />a. Credit Development <br />b. Credit Accounting Tool Development <br />Each section of the qualifications package should be numbered similar to the outline. The entire qualifications package, <br />including the preliminary cost estimates and schedules, should not exceed 15 pages. Brief outlines of your approach <br />to developing the preliminary cost estimates and schedules should be included. Specific instructions for the preliminary <br />cost estimates and schedules are provided as an attachment. <br />Submittal instructions: <br />Qualifications are due at noon on Friday, June 7, 2013. Qualifications should be emailed to the UNRBA Executive <br />Director, Mr. Forrest Westall (forrest.westall& and forrest.westall&mc ig l�, and Ms. Michelle <br />Woolfolk, the UNRBA Path Forward Committee Chairperson ( michelle All packages should <br />be in Portable Document Format (PDF). The Executive Director may contact the firm or team with follow -up questions. <br />Page 1 of 3 <br />