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K <br />Sheriff Department <br />6. The Sheriff's Department has received additional funds of $25,775 from the Orange <br />County Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) Board for the purchase of a patrol vehicle. <br />These funds are in addition to the annual distribution amount received from the ABC <br />Board for FY 2013 -14. This budget amendment provides for the receipt of these funds <br />for the above mentioned purpose. (See Attachment 1, column 6) <br />Housing, Human Rights and Community Development <br />7. During FY 2012 -13, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) <br />sequestered approximately $399,641 of the County's FY 2013 -14 appropriation. The <br />federal reduction significantly affected the budgets of the Section 8 Housing Choice <br />Voucher (HCV) and HOME Investment Partnership Programs. <br />The Section 8 HCV Program provides rent subsidies to low- income families and <br />individuals leasing standard housing, in the County. Federal revenues fund the program, <br />with the exception of 0.70 FTE of the Director's personnel costs ($97,194), funded by the <br />County's General Fund. The federal government reduced the program's anticipated FY <br />2013 -14 allocation by $373,133, which funded both rental assistance payments and <br />program administration costs. Fortunately, the sequester would not significantly affect the <br />provision of rental assistance because most of the decrease for rental assistance <br />equaled 6% of the anticipated rental assistance budget. However, the sequestration <br />measure reduced the administration budget by 31.5 %, which has a significant impact on <br />the budget. To adjust, the department eliminated its operations budget ($95,900), but a <br />funding gap of $141,110 still remains, thus the only other option would require reduction - <br />in -force (RIF) measures. A RIF would require the elimination of at least two staff positions <br />and, potentially, the federally funded portion of the Department Director's position (0.30 <br />FTE). <br />The HOME Investment Partnership Program provides funding for such housing activity as <br />the housing rehabilitation program, new construction partnerships, first -time homebuyers <br />programs and property acquisition. Sequestration measures reduced this program budget <br />by 13% this year. On the program side, the presence of program income generated from <br />repayments to the program provided some additional funding for projects, however it did <br />not cover all budget needs caused by sequestration, particularly administrative expenses. <br />The outstanding balance of $7,329 remains, after a HUD budget revision, made in June <br />2013. <br />To avoid reductions in staff or program assistance payments, the department requests a <br />fund balance appropriation, from the General Fund, of $148,439 to fund the Section 8 <br />Program ($141,110), in the Housing Fund, and the HOME Investment Partnership <br />Program ($7,329), in the Community Development Fund. <br />This budget amendment provides for the fund balance appropriation of $148,439 for the <br />above mentioned purposes. (See Attachment 1, column 7) <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Financial impacts are included in the background information above. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Interim Manager recommends the Board approve budget <br />amendments for fiscal year 2013 -14. <br />