Orange County NC Website
15 <br /> 1 A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner McKee to approve the <br /> 2 Budget Amendment#1-D by approving two (2.0 FTE) additional Appraiser I positions within the Revaluation <br /> 3 Fund as part of the cyclical North Carolina revaluation process, and an appropriation from the Revaluation <br /> 4 Fund's Unassigned Fund Balance to cover the FY 2013-14 costs. <br /> 5 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 6 <br /> 7 s. Consent to Chapel Hill to Proceed with Chapel Hill Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) <br /> 8 Expansion Process <br /> 9 The Board considered consent of the request from the Town of Chapel Hill for the Town to begin the <br /> 10 process to expand its extraterritorial jurisdiction (ETJ). <br /> 11 Commissioner Gordon said she does not object to the expansion process per se, but she does feel <br /> 12 that this has a bearing on the historic Joint Planning Agreement (JPA). She feels that the Joint Planning <br /> 13 Agreement should be acknowledged, and there should be a process in which this expansion is related to <br /> 14 joint planning. She suggested that the letter be assembled with some language added to the third <br /> 15 paragraph to acknowledge the Joint Planning Agreement. <br /> 16 She feels these processes should operate in concert. <br /> 17 Commissioner Price said her concern is that some of these items on the consent agenda should <br /> 18 have more information and highlights to explain fully what the Board is being asked to consider and vote <br /> 19 on. She said this item is not really saying that Chapel Hill and the County are going to go forward, but the <br /> 20 Board is consenting to beginning the process. <br /> 21 Commissioner Dorosin said this comes out of the Rogers Road Task Force and the idea of the <br /> 22 County, Chapel Hill, and Carrboro jointly funding installation of water and sewer in this community. He said <br /> 23 Chapel Hill could not expend funds in an area that is not in the town limits or the town's ETJ. He said that <br /> 24 by allowing Chapel Hill to extend their ETJ, the town will be able to participate in funding the water and <br /> 25 sewer. He said this is moving forward with Chapel Hill. He noted that this consent is not necessary but just <br /> 26 a process by Chapel Hill to make sure all partners are on the same page. He said if the town votes to <br /> 27 expand the ETJ this will come back to the Board for an official vote on whether the County wishes to go <br /> 28 along with it. He said questions regarding the joint planning agreement will be answered during the <br /> 29 process. He believes the people who live in the neighborhood will not see changes on the ground. <br /> 30 John Roberts said the extension of the ETJ is a statutory process. He encouraged the Board to <br /> 31 send any questions regarding the Joint Planning Agreement after the actual extension of the ETJ. He said <br /> 32 amendments to the Joint Planning Agreement are complicated, and it will lengthen the process significantly. <br /> 33 Frank Clifton said this is an unusual request. He noted that this letter does not bind the <br /> 34 Commissioners to action. He noted that the letter is drafted to encourage a spirit of cooperation and to <br /> 35 depict that the Board accepts that the town is moving forward. <br /> 36 Commissioner Gordon said she is just asking what will happen to the JPA now. She just wants the <br /> 37 knowledge. She read the following proposed sentence: "The BOCC expressed no objection to Chapel Hill's <br /> 38 ETJ expansion process but requested an explanation of the amendments to the existing Joint Planning <br /> 39 Agreement (JPA) that could be made to recognize this ETJ expansion, along with a process and timeline <br /> 40 for amending the JPA." <br /> 41 She said this will not hold anyone up, assuming that staff can do this analysis. <br /> 42 Commissioner Dorosin suggested this question be posed to County staff, rather than putting that <br /> 43 language in the letter and asking Chapel Hill staff to get that information. He said staff could get this <br /> 44 information between now and when the ETJ is approved and comes back to the board, assuming it is <br /> 45 approved. He noted that there is a minimum of 30 days notice for a public hearing, so there is plenty of <br /> 46 time. <br /> 47 Commissioner Gordon said the amendment to the letter could suggest that Orange County staff <br /> 48 provide the explanation. <br /> 49 Commissioner Dorosin questioned why this needs to be in the letter. <br /> 50 Commissioner Gordon said she is expressing an objection unless the JPA issue is addressed. <br /> 51 Chair Jacobs suggested a middle ground where the Board expresses to Chapel Hill that this is a <br /> 52 concern and then re-visits this as the process moves forward. He suggested the Board ask County staff to <br /> 53 bring forward information on the impact that this will have on the JPA. He noted that approval of this does <br /> 54 not commit Orange County to anything, but it does further a Board priority of advancing the partnership to <br />