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11 <br /> 1 additional $750,000, without going below 17% threshold for fund balance. This leaves a total <br /> 2 of$1,375,000. <br /> 3 He said 1 percent of the total fund balance equals $1.8 million. <br /> 4 Frank Clifton said there was additional money that was not appropriated last year, and <br /> 5 it was rolled into this year. He said that the official audit will be done in October or November, <br /> 6 and a specific excess number will be available at that time. <br /> 7 Commissioner Gordon said it would be helpful to know the number being used to <br /> 8 estimate the 17%. <br /> 9 Commissioner Gordon said there is $25,000 allocated for the site study, and she does <br /> 10 not consider this a wise use of funds. She would rather have a space needs analysis <br /> 11 completed. <br /> 12 Chair Jacobs said this could be brought up under the CIP discussion. <br /> 13 Paul Laughton said the space needs study is one component of the $25,000. <br /> 14 Clarence Grier said, when they had the public hearing, the original estimate was <br /> 15 $100,000. He said this was considered high, so it was reduced to get this into the operating <br /> 16 budget now. <br /> 17 Clarence Grier reviewed the Orange County Fund Balance Policy Calculation page <br /> 18 from the recommended budget. He stressed the additional flexibility provided by the extra <br /> 19 $750,000. <br /> 20 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the 17 percent is a policy of the Board or if it is an <br /> 21 external regulated cap on debt. <br /> 22 Frank Clifton said there are general guidelines, but this Board set this percentage after <br /> 23 looking at the average fund balance for a budget comparable to Orange County. The 17 <br /> 24 percent is low by comparison, and this was done to be fiscally responsible. <br /> 25 He said the money is there for use in a crisis, but the definition of a crisis needs to be <br /> 26 examined carefully. <br /> 27 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there had been a policy discussion on why 17 percent <br /> 28 was chosen. <br /> 29 Clarence Grier said the Government Finance Officers Association evaluates the <br /> 30 County budget and financial statements, and their recommended threshold on fund balance <br /> 31 was 16.7 percent. He said that going below the threshold would cause some concern and <br /> 32 would have a detrimental effect on bond ratings. <br /> 33 Chair Jacobs asked about page 2 and the $450,000 allocated for overtime and non- <br /> 34 permanent personnel. He asked for an explanation of this jump. <br /> 35 Paul Laughton said much of this is for the Board of Elections, Social Services and <br /> 36 Emergency Services. <br /> 37 Chair Jacobs noted that four new telecommunicators are being hired, and he asked if <br /> 38 the schedule still necessitates this much overtime to make it livable. <br /> 39 Frank Clifton said the total cost would be even higher if an 8 hour shift function was <br /> 40 adopted. He said the staggered shifts are standard. <br /> 41 Frank Clifton referred to page 136 of the budget book and noted the past fund <br /> 42 balances shown for years 2010, 2011, and 2012. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 5. CIP Follow-up <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Paul Laughton said the goal of the provided packet is to outline all the projects and <br /> 47 changes that came out of the work sessions. He said the yellow highlights indicate changes <br /> 48 to the original CIP, presented on March 12. He said the revision dates are also listed beside <br /> 49 each item. <br /> 50 Commissioner Gordon said she thought the items were updated later. <br /> 51 Paul Laughton said changes were presented and discussed at the May 9 work <br /> 52 session, and the May 23 work session, and all of the changes that have been done are on <br /> 53 this sheet. <br /> 54 Commissioner Gordon noted that some of the changes are not highlighted. <br /> 55 Chair Jacob noted that the pages are out of order. <br />